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Search results

  1. ZimD

    it's okay. i'll forgive you this time seeing as how we had never really talked at all up until...

    it's okay. i'll forgive you this time seeing as how we had never really talked at all up until now. but you better not miss it next year
  2. ZimD

    that disappoints me http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwGFalTRHDA

    that disappoints me http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwGFalTRHDA
  3. ZimD

    trololo ftw

    trololo ftw
  4. ZimD

    my birthday was actually yesterday

    but i forgot to make a thread it was uneventful but nice, i got 40 bucks and a laptop a few weeks ago as an early present
  5. ZimD

    5000th visitor message on your page. you are oh so popular i know and like about 5 songs by them

    5000th visitor message on your page. you are oh so popular i know and like about 5 songs by them
  6. ZimD

    Continued Lyric

    television dreams of tomorrow.
  7. ZimD

    hurt 'n' heal

    Re: hurt 'n' heal, bitches. [80] Brock [90] Lt. Surge [70] Misty [125] Erika [130] Koga [15] Sabrina [105] Blaine [125] Giovanni [70] Lorelei [25] Bruno [120] Lance [125] Blue hurt lorelei, heal blue
  8. ZimD

    i herd u liek green day EDIT: 5000 get

    i herd u liek green day EDIT: 5000 get
  9. ZimD

    This picture delivers.

    CUTEST PARTS OF THIS: pikachu and meowth in the front <333 magikarp and feebas playing on wailmer's water spout in front of palkia <33333 kingdra blowing bubbles just behind gyarados who is just behind wailord <33 doduo on the far left near wailord <333 psyduck taking the picture <333 sunkern...
  10. ZimD

    What is in your pockets right now?

    nothing, primarily because i do not have pants on right now
  11. ZimD

    hurt 'n' heal

    Re: hurt 'n' heal, bitches. koga should actually be at 110 - you hurt for 10, you heal for FIVE, someone healed him by 10. [100] Brock [105] Lt. Surge [75] Misty [105] Erika [110] Koga [75] Sabrina [105] Blaine [110] Giovanni [95] Lorelei [70] Bruno [45] Agatha [105] Lance [115] Blue hurt...
  12. ZimD


    ^ basically what i was trying to say only worded better
  13. ZimD

    hurt 'n' heal

    Re: hurt 'n' heal, bitches. [100] Brock [100] Lt. Surge [90] Misty [100] Erika [110] Koga [100] Sabrina [100] Blaine [100] Giovanni [100] Lorelei [90] Bruno [80] Agatha [105] Lance [105] Blue hurt agatha, heal blue.
  14. ZimD

    Tell me some good musics

    Blue October, anything by them. FULL LIST OF BADASS SONGS BY THEM: calling you come in closer she's my ride home libby i'm listening overweight x amount of words and more but those would be like the best 5 to get into them. i'm sure they're all on youtube or somewhere
  15. ZimD


  16. ZimD


    i would use the existence of nudity laws as an example of why nudity laws are retarded
  17. ZimD

    Your Oldest Pokemon

    Lv.100 Blaziken. My second level 100 ever (excluding ones with rare candies in RBY). It was my first Pokemon in my Sapphire game, which I still have the file for though he's now in Diamond. His name was BLAZIKEN, for a long time, then like 3 yrs ago idk I changed it to Hephaestus. Had him since...
  18. ZimD

    And then you realized...

    i dont think it's totally scary or anything and i love it, i do think it's a little eerie tho. i know a lot of people are scared of it and i personally never liked it when i was younger
  19. ZimD

    And then you realized...

    ^ i'm not sure if i should lol or feel horrible so i did both this entire thread made me realize that being almost 15 isn't that young and there's a shitload of younger people on here and it made me realize how easily we get off topic
  20. ZimD


    civil union = separate-but-equal = unconstitutional (in us), but it's still ok to do it anyway because they're gay and not black can anybody explain the logic behind forbidding gays to openly serve in the military? like i at least understand the incredibly flawed logic behind why they, in some...
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