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What is in your pockets right now?


Uh, I didn't do it.
So, what's in you're pockets right now. Let's see what I have...

Well, I am bored at work... (I got a desk job today) and I work as a Security Officer... sooo I have a duty belt full of stuff but that's not in my pockets so it doesn't count. But I have a lot of pockets in my BDU's.

My cellphone
A couple pens
Two dollars
My wallet
An access card
Plastic spoon.... don't ask XD

And that's about it.
I don't often carry too much in my pockets, being a student and all. O.o;...

Currently I have --
My cell phone
My wallet
Ear buds and a small adapter for them
My USB drive

Being a techie the last two are my necessities. >D
Nothing on the ones I'm wearing right now, but in my school trousers I have a roll of paper with surds written on them that I've had in there since September and if I ever take it out then I lose (don't ask).
Just my phone. The most I ever have is my phone, money, house-keys, bus/train ticket and maybe some chewing gum or mints, possibly even a receipt or guitar pick. Never anything more exciting than that.
Recently, I had half a Swedish crown, also known as 50 öre, in my pocket. Then I sat down and it fell out but I didn't really care because you can't buy anything for those anyway.
I don't have anything in them currently but I always carry:

my cellphone

occasionally my flash drive and occasionally a lighter.

Cell phone
SD card reader
MP3 player
Some order confirmation from ordering pizza online
Movie ticket
nothing currently, but you will find my phone and iPod in them most of the time.

Occasionally my GameBoy Advance with Pokémon Crystal.
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