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  1. T

    Open The Struggle for Power

    ((Wait, what?)) Autela had stayed out of the way, but was noticed by a Mime Jr. She didn't see it, though, and it came up behind her and grabbed her tail. She jumped in surprise, tearing out a chunk of feathers. Whimpering in pain, Autela rubbed the sore spot.
  2. T

    Open The Struggle for Power

    Autela shrugged and nodded, hiding it away again. I'm glad I saved my gift money, she thought smugly, Now-where to find work?
  3. T

    Open The Struggle for Power

    Autela slipped behind Erindor. "I have some money we could use," she said quietly, pulling the wad of bills out of her bag.
  4. T

    Open The Struggle for Power

    Autela reached into her pocket and pulled out a thick wad of bills. "I have some money..." she said reluctantly. She had saved the money her parents had sent her for gifts, waiting until she could escape.
  5. T

    Open The Struggle for Power

    Autela brought up the rear, eyeing the man suspiciously. When she was a safe distance away from the bus, she took off the jacket and stuffed it into a bag hidden in her feathers. That man still scares me, she thought.
  6. T

    Open The Struggle for Power

    Autela looked at Xigbar. Who is he? she thought, and why is he asking us that? She decided to tell the truth-in a blunt way. "His brother's trying to kill him," she said, gesturing towards Erindor.
  7. T

    Open The Struggle for Power

    "Is that a good thing?" she muttered. She started to hum a tune in an unusually high soprano key to calm her nerves.
  8. T

    Open The Struggle for Power

    Autela felt another psychic pulse, jolting her. "Erindor, there was another pulse," she said weakly.
  9. T

    Open The Struggle for Power

    "Yeah, we are being a bit too loud," she mumbled and leaned against the wall. She burrowed into her feathers. It was so dang cold!
  10. T

    Open The Struggle for Power

    Autela saw the Flareon Pokeperson glare at the man. "He's nothing to worry about. He won't try anything," she whispered.
  11. T

    Open The Struggle for Power

    Autela smiled at the Flareon Pokeperson, "Hi, I'm Autela. And you are...?"
  12. T

    Open The Struggle for Power

    You're right, I guess... she trailed off and put her safeguard back up. She turned her attention to the others, a Charizard, Clefable, and Flareon among them. Wow, that's...fun. she thought curiously.
  13. T

    Open The Struggle for Power

    Autela let her safeguard slip a bit, then thought to Erindor, don't you find it a little suspicious that there are this many pokepeople here? And the fact that that man is either asleep, retarded, or knows why we're all crowded back here?
  14. T

    How Tall Are You?

    Re: Are You Short or Tall? I'm taller than a lot of people my age, I'm at about 5' 7" right now.
  15. T

    What do you want to do as a job when you're older?

    Either an animator, programmer, or a scientist. I mostly want to be a scientist, but I don't know what field yet... :sweatdrop: Ah well, at least I have some time to worry about it.
  16. T

    Open The Struggle for Power

    Autela nodded, "Yeah, of course I'll help you!" she said happily. Looking around at all the Pokepeople, she couldn't help but feel suspicious. Why would there be so many here? she thought nervously.
  17. T

    Open The Struggle for Power

    Autela frowned. "If you want me to help, I could. I was just headed for Meteor Falls...I hear alot of Swablu live there," she paused, then lowered her voice even further, "There are other Pokepeople on this bus, what if they're with Keran?"
  18. T

    Open The Struggle for Power

    "That's horrible!" Autela exclaimed, a little too loud. She blushed and buried her head in her coat. Great. You're trying not to attract attention, she berated herself. At that moment, she felt powerful psychic energy reach her. It stunned her for a moment, and when she was able to, she spoke...
  19. T

    Open The Struggle for Power

    She chuckled, "I was right. Pleasure to meet you. I'm Autela, Altaria extraordinaire. Where're you headed? Some place to find your corrupted brother?" She put up a safeguard just in case. She didn't want him probing her mind again.
  20. T

    Open The Struggle for Power

    Autela had been dozing in one of the seats, but when Erindor had gotten on, she had perked up. She turned and looked at him. Definitely a Pokeperson, she thought curiously. She wore a long, heavy down coat that was enough to conceal her wings, and a hat was sufficient to cover her blue hair. She...
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