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How Tall Are You?

Re: Are You Short or Tall?

I'm so short. I'm 4'11''. It sucks. All my friends are taller than me and make fun of me for my height. Grrr....
Re: Are You Short or Tall?

Perty sure that being surrounded by great lakes and living near Michigan State University puts me in Michigan.

Making sure, since one of my friends is about the same height. >.>
Re: Are You Short or Tall?

I'm 5 feet tall and 11 years old. No wonder the Naruto characters seem so short.
Re: Are You Short or Tall?

5'5" (165cm?), which is on the taller side according to my doctor.
Re: Are You Short or Tall?

5 Foot 5 Inches at a 10 year old age?

I don't know if that's good or bad.
Re: Are You Short or Tall?

I'm between 5'11" and 6'. Tallest in my family on my mom's side, other then that...I believe I'm pretty average.
Re: Are You Short or Tall?

Tallest so far! I'm only 15 and am 6'6" and supposedly going to be around 7' when I'm done growing. Tall isn't always good ;~;

Damn. I really feel sorry for you ;_; I'm 6"3 and I already have a hard time with a lot of things. I can't drive Japanese cars, for example. Most of them I don't even fit into, and the ones I do fit into, I can't drive them because they aren't set up properly for tall people (Steering wheel, pedals, shifter, stupid-ass-door-pillar-thing-that-blocks-my-vision, etc). I could probalby go on all day, but you know just as well as I do my friend, if not better :(

So for what it's worth, don't complain about being short. Especially you girls. Short girls are cute. ...although for people of our height, all girls are short... but that's not the point...
Re: Are You Short or Tall?

Argh, cars. I have stupidly short legs so whenever I get into a car I have to slide the seat all the way forward just so I can reach the pedals and then the steering wheel's right under my nose D<
And the seatbelt cuts into my neck, too (when I forget my scarf, that is).

Re: Are You Short or Tall?

Argh, cars. I have stupidly short legs so whenever I get into a car I have to slide the seat all the way forward just so I can reach the pedals and then the steering wheel's right under my nose D<
And the seatbelt cuts into my neck, too (when I forget my scarf, that is).

You could get a Smart car? And then paint it like a ladybug 'v'
Re: Are You Short or Tall?

I was going to post my height, but then I said 'nah'.

I'm tall for where I live: everyone is extremely short. Extremely. However, I can call people just 1 inch shorter than me shortie and get away with it so being my height is cool.

However, my height is not cool for going on swings. They can't take my weight and make horribly squeaking noises. I'm scared the chains'll break like they've done before.
Re: Are You Short or Tall?

I'm so far the second tallest, at 6'5". However, I would be shocked if I grew any more, so others could pass me within a few years.
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