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How Tall Are You?

Re: Are You Short or Tall?

I'm a shortass (5'4), my 13 year old sister is taller than me >:|
Re: Are You Short or Tall?

Tallest so far! I'm only 15 and am 6'6" and supposedly going to be around 7' when I'm done growing. Tall isn't always good ;~;
Re: Are You Short or Tall?

I'm about five feet, and seven inches, which is fine. I'd rather be short-ish, though.
Re: Are You Short or Tall?

Waaaaaaaay too tall. :(

I'm 14 and I'm six foot two.
Re: Are You Short or Tall?

yeah I know, according to my mom I'm above average height for adult males... D:
Re: Are You Short or Tall?

I'm afraid I'll end up like seven feet and look like a freak. :(

the worst part is that everyone is like "do you play basketball" and I suck ass at basketball
Re: Are You Short or Tall?


Like 5'2". I dunno.

But my crush is reeeeeeeally tall. D:
Re: Are You Short or Tall?

4'8" I win the shortest contest. And at fourteen years old. :D
I love being short. I can hide away for days at a time before someone finds me. Also, everyone loves to give me piggyback rides cause...iunno Like when we had to walk at school once for some anti-smoking thing and one of my friends gave me a piggyback ride and he ran. We both shouted banzai. :3

I don't wanna grow tall. D:
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