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Search results

  1. T

    How many of you want to go back to school?

    Yeah, I want to go back. I'm going to a new middle school, which I'll like better than the one I was at last year, and during the summer I just loaf around and do nothing. I like to be productive and have something to do. :sweatdrop:
  2. T

    How did you come to T-Cod?

    Eh, it was weird, but at least there was free food! :grin:
  3. T

    How did you come to T-Cod?

    Erindor told me about it when we were paired up at an etiquette dinner. o.o
  4. T

    Open The Struggle for Power

    Name: Autela Gender: Female Age: 14 Team: Co-captain of the Light Team Species of Pokemon: Altaria What part is Pokemon (Ears, Tail etc.): Wings, eyes, tail, coloring Personality: She is very upbeat and even though people treat her unkindly because of her condition, she loves how unique it makes...
  5. T

    The Legend of Zelda

    I have two N64 games on the Wii, and they don't seem to change the memory. Maybe I'm just missing something. They run just fine on the Wii.
  6. T

    Most bizzare Pokedex Entry

    Oookay then. Banette hunts down the child that abandoned it when it was a doll. That's vaguely disturbing. O.o
  7. T

    Best Early Bug Pokemon?

    I like Nincada/Ninjask/Shedinja.
  8. T

    Stupid things you thought were true

    I believed that pressing select+a made a Pokeball a Master Ball. I also believed that Mewtwo and Mew were married. O.o I thought that you could breed legendaries in R/S.
  9. T

    Cutest Pokemon?

    Shaymin. It's a cute little hedgehog, and its cry is adorable!
  10. T

    The Legend of Zelda

    Oh, I love The Legend of Zelda! I've only beaten Twilight Princess, though. :sweatdrop: My favorite is between TP and Oracle of Ages. I'd borrowed Majora's Mask from my cousin, but when I set up the N64 and got it started it just said I needed to download an expansion pack. D: Now I just have to...
  11. T

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Re: The better now playing Wii: Okami! :love:, Twilight Princess... <3 DS: Pokemon Pearl (mainly just training... -_-'), Wario: Master of Disguise GBA: Pokemon Sapphire, Golden Sun: The Lost Age VC: Ocarina of Time, Pokemon Snap
  12. T

    What are you thinking?

    I should go do something else, but I'm too lazy...
  13. T

    Has Pokemon Lost its Touch?

    The newer episodes have their moments, but the series is moving so slooow. They need to pick up the pace and put more interesting Pokemon in the series.
  14. T

    What gender is Pikachu?

    Male, he's been referred to as "he" multiple times during the series.
  15. T

    Your favorite Game Corner?

    Mauville, but mainly because that girl would give you a free doll. =3
  16. T

    R/B/Y Worst battle, breeding and training mistakes

    It was focuing only on my starter (I had a 70 blaziken. My closest pokemon was lvl. 30, and I'd just catch stronger and stronger wild pokemon of that type. :sweatdrop: ), and teaching important fighters HM moves, which I still sometimes do today.
  17. T

    Least Favorite Pokemon?

    Tangrowth. Can you say unnecessary? I also didn't like Bidoof or Bibarel. Who uses them? What purpose do they serve, other than to have some random people who are obsessed, but just to be "funny." -_-
  18. T

    Weirdest evolution

    It's the Clamperl to Huntail/Gorebyss. I mean, it turns from a circular shell thing into a snake that either sucks your blood or eats you. Or both. ._.
  19. T

    Favorite Pokemon?

    Ah, it shifts, but the current list is: 1. Bastiodon 2. Seviper 3. Blaziken 4. Arbok 5. Skarmory 6. Swampert 7. Zangoose 8. Froslass 9. Mightyena
  20. T

    Are you right-handed or left-handed?

    I'm right handed, and I have severe difficulties with my left hand. I try to write and it comes out as a scribble with zero legibility. My left hand is mainly used for typing, grabbing, and playing music. :(
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