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Search results

  1. T

    You laugh you lose (aka POST ALL FUNNY STUFF HERE)

    Re: You laugh you lose The "Find X" one made me laugh, and now I've laughed on every single one since, especially the Bears on a Submarine. XD
  2. T

    Cake vs Pie

    Cake, because they normally look better, and I like the chocolate variety of cake better than I like the chocolate variety of pie. That's what everything comes down to with me. Chocolate.
  3. T

    What would your name have been had you been born the opposite gender?

    Well, I was the only child my parents knew the gender of, but if I'd been a boy, it would have been a name like Hank or Henry. :x My parents were indecisive, I was actually Amy for a couple hours until they changed my name to Hannah. Phew. :sweatdrop:
  4. T

    Favorite legendary

    I like Latias and Palkia a lot, but they're all tied for second place. My first place legendaries are Deoxys (defense form, it's awesome), Uxie, and Cresselia (I caught it with a lucky pokeball, I was shocked).
  5. T

    Butterfree VS Beedrill

    I like Butterfree more because I have this insane fear of wasps and bees, plus the fact that I like Caterpie a lot more than Weedle.
  6. T

    Favorite Type?

    I like electric types because they are pretty useful, and they're usually cute. :D
  7. T

    What's your favorite Grass Starter?

    I like Turtwig, because I like its evolutions.
  8. T

    What's your favorite Fire Starter?

    Torchic, because it was my first starter in my favorite pokemon game, Sapphire. I also like it because Blaziken is awesome!
  9. T

    Uh, hello again!

    I re-registered and I'm back and really glad that the forums are up again. Now I have to tr to get back to where I was. :sweatdrop:
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