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Search results

  1. Zangoose

    Wait, Someone PMd me about meeting in lavender town. He's offline now, what do I do?

    Wait, Someone PMd me about meeting in lavender town. He's offline now, what do I do?
  2. Zangoose


  3. Zangoose

    Wait, was I accepted?

    Wait, was I accepted?
  4. Zangoose

    Open Kingdom Hearts

    Sapphire was walking on the rooftops, when he heard the noise of a heartless being destroyed. He stayed on the rooftops, and threw his keyblade. He casted Areo on Zan and Xigbar, and forced himself to jump down and fight. He ducked, and charged at a blinding speed. he turned around to See a line...
  5. Zangoose

    Open Kingdom Hearts

    Count me in? Forum Name: Zangoose RP Name: Sapphire Gender:Male Age: 15 Appearance: See organiazation, but with blue coat. Dosnt wear hood. Keyblade: Lionheart (KH1) Magic Skills: Cure, Areo, Blizzard Other: Sorry If I am to late to join.
  6. Zangoose

    Dialga Vs. Palkia

    Just in: Palkia's backsprite looks like a penis. Disscuss.
  7. Zangoose

    Well! I registered.

    Well, to save myself trouble, I am going to do what everyone does in point form. Introduce myself Say my username/say some random crap Ask how to do something, or post what pokemon I am Leave thread, never post again/ Become active member / become annoying member. I give you 3 posts to help...
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