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Open Kingdom Hearts

Well, I thought I was randomly typing the first time I ever used it, but it turns out that I had been playing KHII two minutes before that. I forgot about the Xigbar in the game, and it was in back of my head while I tpyed, so that's how it came out. But really, I thought it was my original name, when it turns out that I had unknowingly typed something that was so far back in my thoughts that5 I had the name, but I didn't know it's origin. (If Xemnas wasn't already taken, I would've used that.:/)

The three sat around in a small room, hidden in an alley in Twilight Town, one of the few worlds not yet touched by Maleficent. They had been training under the apprenticeship of a great Keyblade warrior named Jakob at the time Maleficent attacked their headquarters on a now-destroyed world, and they had been training in hiding since then, hoping that they're master, wherever he was now, was alright. Now, it was time for action. Zak, the oldest, though not the most mature, of the group, sat up and said, "So, where exactly should we start on this 'quest' of ours? I mean, we don't even have a Gummi Ship... anyone know were we could get one in this town?"
((sorry i havent posted lately...i have a bunch of homework and a giant binder for my homework.))
"I've been finding lots of pieces around the town. I have to disguse myself when i go." said Kairi said throwing a pile of gummi blocks on the table. "It's hard just to stay hidden in this town. Because there isn't many people to blend in with."
"Why do you even bother? Eventually, Maleficent will come here, and we can fight her then. Then it'll be all over, and yadayadayada." Xigbar walked over to the edge of their little room, and took a look at the seemingly eternal sunset.
"Do you really think we can take her on our own, in our current state?" Zak said to Xigbar. "I was thinking we could help out some people on other worlds, and they could in turn help us in our fight. I mean, if we're fighting the combined armies of Heartless, Nobodies, and Maleficent's Lords of Darkness, don't you think a little help would be nice? Plus, I doubt Maleficent would personally come here; she'd probably just send her armies, and if the Heartless take the heart of this world, we'll just be new recruits in that army!"
"Point taken. But we still have no possible way of getting out of here.... Unless we just go out and ask around." He emphasized the word 'around', glaring at Kairi.
"Well, it isn't that hard to get to know townspeople. You can blend in if the people get to know you, then everything would be so much easier. But you have to make everything complicated." Xigbar held his glare, until it was becoming a dirty look.
"Relax, guys," Zak said as he stood up from his chair, which was really a cardboard box, "and since when have you been so concerned about being friends with random people, Xigbar?" He then started thinking aloud while walking in circles, a somewhat annoying habit of his, "I suppose it would be good to ask around. Acting inconspicuous was good as long as Maleficent's army was bound to come here, but if we're going to be leaving, we might as well do whatever we can to get Gummi Parts." Zak picked up a piece that Kairi had brought, and said to her while observing it, "Where exactly did you get these parts, Kairi?"
"I'm not concerned. I just think it would be better if the townspeople knew about us, that way we can easily get from place to place. Beides, when we're about to leave, we can just say we're going somewhere, and then when we don'tcome back, they'll assume that we're dead. I'm saying we should be friends with anyone, just that people should accept us as townspeople." Xigbar explained.
Still holding her glare at Xigbar that seemed to turn into a staring contest but answered Zak's question. "I've found them around the trolly tracks. They are all around and the town's people just seem to ignore them." Kairi said finally letting her glare go. "Yes but they might not have time to figure out we're gone if that old hag comes."
"Well then, I'm off to the tracks!" said Zak as he walked out of the room, if you could call the barely roofed dead-end of the alley a "room." He headed toward the Tram Common, but upon arrival, he saw that everyone had frozen. They weren't covered in ice, and time hadn't stopped; they were frozen out of fear, and were staring right at Zak. Unless of course, they were nearly looking in his direction. Zak slowly turned around, and up on the building behind him were several black, yellow-eyed creatures with what appeared to be antennae. They're finally here... thought Zak. This isn't good at all. Zak held out his hand and yelled "FIRE," launching a ball of flame at one of the creatures, disintegrating it instantly. However, more appeared in it's place, and even more, and soon most of the roof-tops were covered in these evil dark creatures... these Shadows. Zak held up his hand again, mentally summoning his keyblade, the fiery Bond of Flames, and prepared to fight. And at that moment, everyone unfroze, and every person in the area screamed. The Heartless had come.
Count me in?

Forum Name: Zangoose
RP Name: Sapphire
Age: 15
Appearance: See organiazation, but with blue coat. Dosnt wear hood.
Keyblade: Lionheart (KH1)
Magic Skills: Cure, Areo, Blizzard
Other: Sorry If I am to late to join.
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Xigbar heard he screams, and summoned his Keyblade. Anxious to fight, he ran out to where Zak had gone. Seeing the heartless everywhere, he smiled to himself. Alright. This is what I've been waiting for. It's time the Heartless feared me! ".... Wait.... They're not going to just sit up there, are they?" He asked. "Because I don't think we could reach them..... That's no fun."
((Zangoose, accepted. We'll just pretend you were already part of our group, but while we were in the Usual Place, you were looking around town somewhere else))

The Heartless started their attack, jumping from the roof-tops and tearing through shops and buildings, like they were searching for something, while at the same time terrorizing the townsfolk. Zak saw Xigbar had shown up, and with the Shadows attacking and back-up just arriving, he decided it was time to start. He ran up to the Accessory Shop, where 3 Shadows were breaking in and tearing up everything, and sliced through them all, cutting down two in mid-run and then killing the last one by slicing it's head as he jumped over it.
Sapphire was walking on the rooftops, when he heard the noise of a heartless being destroyed. He stayed on the rooftops, and threw his keyblade. He casted Areo on Zan and Xigbar, and forced himself to jump down and fight. He ducked, and charged at a blinding speed. he turned around to See a line of heartless behind him in shreads. Soon, Zak had landed behind him.

His MP had recharged, so he smiled at Zak, and Shouted.

Xigbar attacked the Heartless with blows that were both quick and powerful. However, it was taking it's toll on him. He turned around, and contiued delivering powerful strikes, his body's energy supply slowly lessening. Uh..... I might end up finished before the others.... NO!!!! I REFUSE TO GIVE IN!!!! Having caught a second wind, Xigbar began dealing his energy out in even amounts. His blows were a little too strong, and a little too slow, but he seemed to be conserving more energy.
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Zak turned his head to Sapphire while shooting Thunders at oncoming Shadows. "Glad to see you could make it, Sapphire, and thanks for the Aero. But a Trinity needs three... Hey Xigbar, you up for a Trinity?"

((BTW blackyoshi, you don't know blizzard. The three moves you picked are in the first post.))
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