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Search results

  1. BOOM! Headshot

    Is a Power Ranger/Sonic and the Black Knight RP a good idea?

    I'd like to know why you're asking. No one person knows enough about everyone on this board to tell you whether a power rangers roleplay would be popular. Perhaps you could plot the storyline and make the bare bones of the thread, and then put up and interest check to see if anyone wants to...
  2. BOOM! Headshot

    Insert Vulgar Thread Title Here

    Hi all. My name's BOOM! Headshot. Or you can call me BOOM! Or just Boo, if you're in a hurry or typing a lot. I've been interested in Pokemon right from the start, and even played Red, as it was originally presented, on my Gameboy Colour. No, I'm not nostalgic for the title; it was coded by...
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