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Search results

  1. Pikachu

    HeartGold And SoulSilver

    YES! I'll probably start with Totodile and get HeartGold. (Since nobody else seems to want it.)
  2. Pikachu

    10th May New Game Announcement

    YES!! If it is a G/S remake, I'll be getting Silver. But I'm so broke... BUT, my birthday's coming up!
  3. Pikachu

    CAPTCHA Images in PHP

    First, see here for the chatbox. As you can see, the CAPTCHA is a random image of a Pokémon, except you can post a message without entering the name of the Pokémon. There are nine images of Pokémon (first nine Pokémon of National Dex). How do I make a CAPTCHA with those?
  4. Pikachu

    MySQL tutorial suggestions

    Er... I didn't know where to put this. Does anyone know of any good MySQL tutorials? Other than W3Schools? I just learned PHP and I want to use PHP with MySQL, but I don't quite understand MySQL too well. Help?
  5. Pikachu

    US Secret Key Event Announced

    Read here on Serebii. As you all know, the Secret Key is the only to allow Rotom to change forms. Discuss.
  6. Pikachu

    Pikachu's Plaza

    Thanks. I was meaning to rewrite "Giovanni's Son" anyway. Now I feel sexist. :sweatdrop: Yeah, I need more Pokémon content, but my mind is blank right now.
  7. Pikachu

    The Platinum Status Thread

    FMC, you first have to go to Celestic Town and speak with the town elder (I think it's Cynthia's grandmother.) She'll say "I'm concerned about what it happening on Mt. Coronet." After that, go to Spear Pillar, and you will find either a blue crystal or a pink one, depending on the order the...
  8. Pikachu

    The Platinum Status Thread

    I BEAT THE ELITE FOUR!! and the CHAMPION!! *WOOT* I feel strong, even through my team is only around level 55.
  9. Pikachu

    The GPX+ Fan Club

    Joinage. Hmm, I have so few Pokémon...
  10. Pikachu

    Pikachu's Plaza

    Well, because when I first tried to make a website, it was the first name that popped in my head. That site idea died, but the name still stayed. That site idea did have a Pikachu style, but I need to redesign it. Yeah, I know that there isn't anything with Pikachu yet, but there will be...
  11. Pikachu

    The Platinum Status Thread

    Platinum Status Hmm. The game so far. Well, I have three Gym badges. Fantina was a bitch. I agree. My Togepi saved my ass, though. My team Monferno Lv. 22 Staravia Lv. 212 Luxio Lv. 23 Budew Lv. 22 Bidoofus (Bidoof is my HM slave) Lv. 13 Togepi (egg) Lv. 14
  12. Pikachu

    The Platinum Status Thread

    Hmm. The game so far. Well, I have two Gym badges and I beat the Eterna Galactic Building. My team: Monferno Lv. 20 or 21 Staravia Lv. 21 Luxio Lv. 21 Budew Lv. 19 or 20 Bidoofus (Bidoof is my HM slave) Lv. 13 And an egg from Cynthia.
  13. Pikachu

    The Platinum Status Thread

    I am not far in the game. I have three P-O-K-accent-E-M-O-N (:grin:): Chimchar Lv. 9, Starly Lv. 4, and Shinx Lv. 4. Been training on Route 202. I haven't even gotten to Jubilife City yet.
  14. Pikachu

    The Platinum Status Thread

    This movie is AWESOME! Saw it yesterday :grin: I'm getting Platinum later today, I don't know when.
  15. Pikachu

    Pokemon Ultimate Forums

    One thing I can say is that there is NOTHING on it. It has three forums, one you can't post in, an introduction/tutorials forum, and a 4th gen movie forum. Is it really necessary to make a single forum JUST for the 4th gen movies? And this forum is... I just can't say it in words. [/rant over]
  16. Pikachu

    The Platinum Status Thread

    Pokémon Platinum insert includes mysterious codes This was released on March 19 on Bulbanews. Interesting, isn't it?
  17. Pikachu

    Pikachu's Plaza

    So, you suggest a darker purple?
  18. Pikachu

    Pikachu's Plaza

    Um... What red background?
  19. Pikachu

    Pikachu's Plaza

    Well, for a while I was afraid of receiving criticism that would drive one crazy, but I've decided to do it anyway. Pikachu's Plaza A fairly new site. Any type of criticism is excepted.
  20. Pikachu

    The Platinum Status Thread

    Actually, if you live in New York, and you go to Nintendo World, they are releasing Platinum a day early at the release party.
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