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Search results

  1. BlueMoony

    The Crazy Cat Lady

    Heck yeah, baby. *cocks imaginary shotgun* I'm goin' in. Oh yeah, and here's four dollars.
  2. BlueMoony

    Your PC

    Moony's PC Pokemon bulbasaur Name- Ivy Gender- Male. My starter. Don't worry honey, you're just as "special" as everyone else. sableye Name- Monty Gender- Male Obtained at The Crazy Cat Lady's House. He was under the bed. Stopeatingmyfaceplease :scared: larvitar Name- Sheldon Gender- Male...
  3. BlueMoony

    The Bank

    'Scuse me, I'd like to set up an account, with the starter Bulbasaur, please. And how do you get money onto it? Are your starter Pokemon free?
  4. BlueMoony

    Pokemon Rainbow

    (Well, this looks interesting enough. May I join as two characters?) Name: Blackmask Gender: Male Appearance: Your normal Blackmask man, a little on the tall side. Personality: Impatient, temperamental, rough, demanding. Bio: He joined the blackmasks because he wanted powerful pokemon to...
  5. BlueMoony

    Requests Open Request please!

    Thank you so much! I love it!
  6. BlueMoony

    Requests Open Request please!

    Yeah, sure, I was thinking just a basic 'pirate' themed bandana for design.
  7. BlueMoony

    Well, I'm really into animals in mythology, like hydras, gargoyles, sphinxes, dragons, all of...

    Well, I'm really into animals in mythology, like hydras, gargoyles, sphinxes, dragons, all of them. I don't really have a favorite per see.
  8. BlueMoony

    Well Ahoy Thar!

    Ninjatoes? Can't say I've heard of them... PIRATES HAVE TREASURE!! DO NINJAS HAVE TREASURE?
  9. BlueMoony

    Well Ahoy Thar!

    Me neither. Though I mentioned above that I liked writing, usually I'll be too darned LAZY to get off my butt and write the story. And Blastoise, pirates have BOATS. That makes for two awesome internet memes.
  10. BlueMoony

    Well Ahoy Thar!

    I think I like you already too. Thank you for welcoming me into this forum, and what kind of artist are you?
  11. BlueMoony

    Requests Open Request please!

    You said that you could do minor scratches... Do you think you could do an Ivysaur with a red pirate bandanna on its' head? I would like to use it as an icon.
  12. BlueMoony

    Well Ahoy Thar!

    I'm.... new here, as you can see. It would be nice to find some friends... Anyways, I like reading, writing, RP'ing (The three 'Rs', lol) C.S.I, and chocolate. I'm also into mythology and making up characters for stories I will (never) write. :sweatdrop: I'm quite a procrastinator, but...
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