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Pokemon Rainbow

Gaea called down to Flash, breaking him out of his reminiscence. "Hey, Flash, why are you over at our tree? Coming to visit Terry? Or just wandering around, remembering old times?"
Max and Min simultaneously nodded and replied, "Yes." But then, Max began to speak. "What about it?" His red ears twitched, betraying his intrigued feeling, even though his expression was casual.
"Well, I was wandering randomly, and I saw a few trainers in black masks locking Pokemon in cages-and that Houndoom was there."
(Well, this looks interesting enough. May I join as two characters?)

Name: Blackmask
Gender: Male
Appearance: Your normal Blackmask man, a little on the tall side.
Personality: Impatient, temperamental, rough, demanding.
Bio: He joined the blackmasks because he wanted powerful pokemon to fight for him. However, disgusted with his first one's levels, he worked it until it died of exhaustion. The next pokemon he was given was a bit hardier, but still of low-ish levels. He is a bit more careful with this one(Raiva) because if it is lost again, it will be his last.

Name: Raiva (means anger)
Gender: Male
Appearance: A large male Growlithe, slightly darker in color than a normal Growlithe.
Personality: Mean-spirited, rebellious, bullying, cruel.
Moveset: Flamethrower, Roar, Bite, Rage
Bio: Raiva was a pokemon bred specifically for fighting, who had never seen the wild. He had been a sweet-tempered pup until he was stolen and sent to his blackmask owner. He was changed into a nightmare by his master's cruelties, often beaten and starved. One day he was taken out into the wild and happened upon a nest of Pidgey. Raiva beat them down in seconds. The blackmask was pleased and took him out almost every day after that to train. But it soon became boring. Raiva wondered if there was anything more than fighting, having seen pokemon who had tried to prevent him from defeating others of their kind. He started planning his escape....

Sorry this is so long :sweatdrop:)
"Are you trying to say something?" Max asked, apparently not noticing anything suspicious. Oddly, Min stayed silent; she just watched Flash cautiously. Probably trying to figure something out, Max thought, smiling. His tail wagged slightly as he thought of his friend.
Woohoo, third person!

"I was trying to say that I saw that Houndoom helping to trap Pokemon in cages. Although, judging by his face, he wasn't doing it willingly," Flash answered.

Character Change

The shape in the bushes watched the other Pokemon curiously. Pokemon were in danger... But was there great enough a need for it to interfere? The last time it had done so, a bystander had been caught in the crossfire... A tear rolled down the shadowy figure's face as it remembered that terrible day...
"Well, uh, we could rescue it!" Min suggested merrily, jumping slightly with a paw in the air as if she were about to ask a question. The naive Electric-type's ears twitched, and she didn't cease bouncing for a moment.
"Possibly," Flash replied, thinking about it carefully. "Bringing Gaea, Terry, and those other Pokemon I saw at the battle, back when I was younger. The Charmander and Hoppip."
Do you mind if I join in? I could be that sunkern. If so, here's my list:
Name: Zonnig
Gender: Male
Apperance: Slightly larger than average sunkern, stripes more brown than black, and leaves somewhat wilted
Personality: Something of a bully, rather reserved, and overall not fun to be with
Bio: Born in a large city, and raised by a rather abusive trainer, had several siblings that were neglected when they were found to have low stats, decided to run away after a particularly harsh training session (read: beating), and became mean and unfriendly while living on the streets, became unhealthy from pollution, and left to go to the forest
"What about them?" Max asked, looking towards the Riolu. His red ears flicked for a moment, and he shook his head to get a bit of discomfort off.

Min interjected, "Are we going to rescue something?" Her voice was surely excited, and she jumped with a paw in the air as if she had just done something great and unmatched.
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