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Search results

  1. Scyther

    Returning! :3

    Haha, it's been longer than two weeks, Butterfree. I actually used to frequent here a couple years ago, then just stopped logging on for whatever reason. I've lurked, but never really contributed. (And I really really hope none of you remember me, because aah I was a dramatic fourteen year...
  2. Scyther

    Can't wait for the party, Ami~~ Enjoy being fourteen. :3

    Can't wait for the party, Ami~~ Enjoy being fourteen. :3
  3. Scyther

    Yes you do. :3 Phoenixsong~~

    Yes you do. :3 Phoenixsong~~
  4. Scyther

    Y-You are Kratos! Meanie.

    Y-You are Kratos! Meanie.
  5. Scyther

    Yes, I have both, on Japanese one English. I've only just beat the whatever-steel gym leader.

    Yes, I have both, on Japanese one English. I've only just beat the whatever-steel gym leader.
  6. Scyther

    OK, sounds great. August 28. 1996.

    OK, sounds great. August 28. 1996.
  7. Scyther

    That's OK, I probably couldn't have done it anyway. 4-H? Cool. The cool thing about HGSS is...

    That's OK, I probably couldn't have done it anyway. 4-H? Cool. The cool thing about HGSS is that you don't need the national Pokedex to trade with other regions. Don't know if pearl'll work though. Friend code when I get to it. Which one of yours is which?
  8. Scyther

    630 sounds good, but we can't be screwing around. We may or may not have time for a battle, but...

    630 sounds good, but we can't be screwing around. We may or may not have time for a battle, but we can voicechat if you want. P.S. You're Todadile will be an egg.
  9. Scyther

    Oh, that happened to me once, sort of. I shot a wall and it bounced back and hit my cousin...

    Oh, that happened to me once, sort of. I shot a wall and it bounced back and hit my cousin. Battle, huh? Well, my Pokemon are about level 30, and don't have very stategic movesets, so... But yeah, tommorow sounds good. I know what you mean, (though not the gas station part). I mean, it'd be...
  10. Scyther

    So when do you want to do it? I've got a Todadile. And would it be possible for you to send a...

    So when do you want to do it? I've got a Todadile. And would it be possible for you to send a leaf or dawn stone? I've been spending an excessive amount of time in the Pokeathon, and I'd like to leave. Oh, that's cool. I do a lot of that too, subtract the gun. If you don't mind me asking...
  11. Scyther

    Sounds great, then, ready when you're ready. Though I'm afraid that I don't have anything really...

    Sounds great, then, ready when you're ready. Though I'm afraid that I don't have anything really good to give you; something Jhoto specific, perhaps. And tell your friend that I applyad him for having this everlasting patience. Ref? Great! It's a fun job, really. Good luck, and be ready to get...
  12. Scyther

    Yeah, I'd like to, but as Lars explained, not allowed. (I actually got grounded for being on...

    Yeah, I'd like to, but as Lars explained, not allowed. (I actually got grounded for being on forums, mind you, so it's not like my parents could make an exception.) I'm really really sorry, and if you'd like to take (another) e-ref, I understand. It's indefinite. I can still get on using wii...
  13. Scyther

    Thanks a lot. You too. And, uh, since when did I want a cydiquil. O_o I mean thanks, but I...

    Thanks a lot. You too. And, uh, since when did I want a cydiquil. O_o I mean thanks, but I already have one. And thanks for alerting Heavy Lobster.
  14. Scyther

    YESYESYESYES! No, more because I really have to be careful when I get on my e-mail, you see...

    YESYESYESYES! No, more because I really have to be careful when I get on my e-mail, you see. Ever since they spotted an email from Butterfree, they assume that I'm on a forum associating with evil liberals and athiests that will take over my mind. *sniggers* Sorry, though. OK, I'm really happy...
  15. Scyther

    Yeah. But hopefully he'll back soon. Right? And does that justsomeguy e-mail still work?

    Yeah. But hopefully he'll back soon. Right? And does that justsomeguy e-mail still work?
  16. Scyther

    Blazie :( Skroy is gone.

    Blazie :( Skroy is gone.
  17. Scyther

    Sorry, but Youtube has been very mean to me since I've first tried to open that. I'm very...

    Sorry, but Youtube has been very mean to me since I've first tried to open that. I'm very intrested in seeing it though; maybe it'll work later. Also, heh heh, woops. That was always what I sort of figured. Sorry Blazie! So much time has passed since we've last talked (my fault, I'm truely...
  18. Scyther

    How did MidnightSabetuer manage to delete your VM to me?

    How did MidnightSabetuer manage to delete your VM to me?
  19. Scyther

    Eh. Both, I guess.

    Eh. Both, I guess.
  20. Scyther

    Hey Butterfree. Have you yet to see The Princess and the Frog yet? It's seriously the creepiest...

    Hey Butterfree. Have you yet to see The Princess and the Frog yet? It's seriously the creepiest Disney movie I've seen, and it has a wicked soundtrack. Tottaly the stuf you like, amiright? Also. Would you happen to remember your highschool GPA?
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