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Search results

  1. Scyther

    Ew. Scizors are gross.

    Ew. Scizors are gross.
  2. Scyther

    Uh, good. Me too.

    Uh, good. Me too.
  3. Scyther

    ParaBob-Omb vs Darksong

    What constitutes as an 'attack'? Only things that hurt you?
  4. Scyther

    ...a mill? How quaint. Um, anyway, you'll need to post your commands if you'd like to get started.

    ...a mill? How quaint. Um, anyway, you'll need to post your commands if you'd like to get started.
  5. Scyther

    ParaBob-Omb vs Darksong

    ParaBob-Omb: Kecleon Health: 80% Energy: 89% Status: Not understanding; aren't Pokemon supposed to get painful injuries later in the battle? Darksong: Girafarig Health: 93% Energy: 80% Status: A bit winded, but otherwise feeling pretty darn good. Trying hard not to lose to lose her balance...
  6. Scyther

    If you're sure. And I'm concerned with them messing up my game. I just think cheating is cheap.

    If you're sure. And I'm concerned with them messing up my game. I just think cheating is cheap.
  7. Scyther

    Of course I'd love that, but not if they're cheated.

    Of course I'd love that, but not if they're cheated.
  8. Scyther

    Heavy Lobsta Vs. Dr Frank

    Yes. Please send out your Pokemon, Heavy Lobster.
  9. Scyther

    He says that it got boring, but I'm rather suspicious of that little going on the the reffere...

    He says that it got boring, but I'm rather suspicious of that little going on the the reffere headquaters. It should be up soon.
  10. Scyther

    I'll take your's and Lobsta's reffing, if you'll have me.

    I'll take your's and Lobsta's reffing, if you'll have me.
  11. Scyther

    No, you see, the point I was trying to make was that grades are no measure of intelligence.

    No, you see, the point I was trying to make was that grades are no measure of intelligence.
  12. Scyther

    Who all is he reffing?

    Who all is he reffing?
  13. Scyther

    That's usually my problem. I can usually get good grades on them though. Though lately I've...

    That's usually my problem. I can usually get good grades on them though. Though lately I've really had my prioties straight, and I've gotton a jumpstart on everything.
  14. Scyther

    Studying. Karate, that's cool. I've always wanted to try, but all the local classes have...

    Studying. Karate, that's cool. I've always wanted to try, but all the local classes have always been much too expensive.
  15. Scyther

    I'm not quite sure if I'm supposed to be the one showing you this but meh. He's resigned, so I...

    I'm not quite sure if I'm supposed to be the one showing you this but meh. He's resigned, so I don't know if you'd like to take down his ASB stuff and what not. Just thought I'd tell you.
  16. Scyther

    Ameroq01 vs. Scyther

    Yes, thank you. Chill~Calm Mind~Bounce (Up)/Protect If you think you can Bounce before she hits you, do it. Otherwise, protect.
  17. Scyther

    Yeah, thanks a lot. I'll tell her when we go to school tommorow. Sorry, but HGSS have been the...

    Yeah, thanks a lot. I'll tell her when we go to school tommorow. Sorry, but HGSS have been the last thing on my mind lately. All I've really been doing is studying after I realized that my one cousin got a full schloarship. I suppose we /could/, but no trading or anything.
  18. Scyther

    ParaBob-Omb vs Darksong

    Haha, that's the part I thought Perry was deriving a strategy from. You probably just ruined it >:-(
  19. Scyther

    ParaBob-Omb vs Darksong

    ParaBob-Omb: Kecleon Health: 88% Energy: 94% Status: Really, really creeped out by the blood. Darksong: Girafarig Health: 93% Energy: 90% Status: Generally content. Hoping nothing comes of her opponent's new fighting type. Kecleon wasted no time in following his trainer's orders. Quickly, the...
  20. Scyther

    We'll have to battle some time.

    We'll have to battle some time.
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