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Search results

  1. Scyther

    Y-You're in eighth grade now? My goodness, skip another grade, Nottie? I'm in eight grade. Now I...

    Y-You're in eighth grade now? My goodness, skip another grade, Nottie? I'm in eight grade. Now I want to take that test and show my knowladge <_< I know it sounds stupid, but that's seriously irritating to me. I was reading through our old conversation. Wow, thanks for even looking in my direction.
  2. Scyther

    Y-You're in eighth grade now? My goodness, skip another grade, Nottie? I'm in eight grade. Now I...

    Y-You're in eighth grade now? My goodness, skip another grade, Nottie? I'm in eight grade. Now I want to take that test and show my knowladge <_< I know it sounds stupid, but that's seriously irritating to me. I was reading through our old conversation. Wow, thanks for even looking in my direction.
  3. Scyther

    You read the Oddessy already? Isn't that for like, tenth graders? ( Of course I wouldn't know...

    You read the Oddessy already? Isn't that for like, tenth graders? ( Of course I wouldn't know; I've never read it.) Epic... as in Epic Poem. Sounds tasty. I've never watched that, but I've heard of it. Link? Oh, Nottie, there you go again. Keeping me up much past my bedybytime. Oh well, I...
  4. Scyther

    Really? Would you like me to inquire furthur? Quite the opposite for me. My parents just split...

    Really? Would you like me to inquire furthur? Quite the opposite for me. My parents just split up.And I'm very hungry and want some cornflakes. Among other things. Ooh, but we're doing a Creative Writing unit in English, which is always fun.
  5. Scyther

    So, how have you been lately? Life nice and drama-filled?

    So, how have you been lately? Life nice and drama-filled?
  6. Scyther

    Nottie! It's been quite a while!

    Nottie! It's been quite a while!
  7. Scyther

    Well of course. But I won't be spending 200$ on a hat.

    Well of course. But I won't be spending 200$ on a hat.
  8. Scyther

    The Challenge Board

    My profile
  9. Scyther

    Well by all means, you're entitled to your opinion.

    Well by all means, you're entitled to your opinion.
  10. Scyther

    'Tis true. I'm very excited, I've told everyone at school. Even teachers~~

    'Tis true. I'm very excited, I've told everyone at school. Even teachers~~
  11. Scyther

    My goodness! I'm getting a new fedora too!

    My goodness! I'm getting a new fedora too!
  12. Scyther

    Well... isn't that theentire point of Pokemon? The magic that comes with the idea that there new...

    Well... isn't that theentire point of Pokemon? The magic that comes with the idea that there new lands out there, and more thing to be discovered.
  13. Scyther

    The reason: for them, being grounded from reading is like being put in a torture hole Ha...

    The reason: for them, being grounded from reading is like being put in a torture hole Ha. That's the point.
  14. Scyther

    NOt created, annoced. This means a whole new region, with whole new Pokemon...

    NOt created, annoced. This means a whole new region, with whole new Pokemon...
  15. Scyther

    [sprite*=dp]Aron[/sprite] Remove the star. Sounds lovely. Watch as my strategy is superior to...

    [sprite*=dp]Aron[/sprite] Remove the star. Sounds lovely. Watch as my strategy is superior to yours. Oh, and the scary thing is, we have a draft in the United States. It hasn't been used recently, but damn... we're all required to sign up when we are eighteen. Creepy, huh? So if there's some...
  16. Scyther

    SHHHIIII! Uh. I'm, um bored. Waiting for someone to e-mail me back. Shopping for a fadora...

    SHHHIIII! Uh. I'm, um bored. Waiting for someone to e-mail me back. Shopping for a fadora. Writing an English essay. Designing a toiletry holder. Writing another essay about telemedicine. Did you know I'm already gettig letters asking me to join the marines? O.o
  17. Scyther

    Two tests today, one in history, one in PreChem. And you're looking at the grounded king...

    Two tests today, one in history, one in PreChem. And you're looking at the grounded king, buckaroo. Ever been grounded from reading? For a summer? At least you can apparently get on a computor.
  18. Scyther

    What's up?

    What's up?
  19. Scyther

    The 5th generation of Pokemon has been confirmed~~

    The 5th generation of Pokemon has been confirmed~~
  20. Scyther

    how to get shinies

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