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Search results

  1. Stealthy Floatzel

    In Progress Lucario and the 10 Ordeals

    Chapter 14 Chapter 14: Reunion Zeke and his friends had escaped the castle. Thanks to the notes found throughout the castle, they were able to leave it and continue with their lives. But now it was time to thank the person who helped them with the escape. It was time for Victoria to be...
  2. Stealthy Floatzel

    In Progress Lucario and the 10 Ordeals

    Chapter 13 Chapter 13: A Personal Request This could be the chance to escape that Zeke and his friends were hoping for from near the start. However, they still needed to navigate the tunnels. The map that Alice was carrying showed no evidence that the tunnels even existed. Alice thought that...
  3. Stealthy Floatzel

    In Progress Lucario and the 10 Ordeals

    Chapter 12 Chapter 12: The Stalker Zeke and his friends now had a real chance to escape. Now that Zeke had three others with him, he felt confident about himself and that escape was so close to reality. However, none of them saw what was coming closer and closer to them. “Okay,” started Zeke...
  4. Stealthy Floatzel

    In Progress Lucario and the 10 Ordeals

    Chapter 11 Chapter 11: The Art of Stealth Zeke and his friends had just made it through a life-threatening obstacle. The Hall of Traps was something that no one wanted to face again. But now it was back to finding the third note, which was in the cellar. Alice read the map and discovered that...
  5. Stealthy Floatzel

    In Progress Lucario and the 10 Ordeals

    Chapter 10 Chapter 10: Survival of the Smartest Zeke and his friends left the storeroom that had the second note. It seemed that their lives now depend on the notes that are scattered around the castle. Although they had somewhere to go, they had not thought of a plan yet. Now, they were in...
  6. Stealthy Floatzel

    In Progress Lucario and the 10 Ordeals

    Chapter 9: A Turn for the Better Zeke and the others now had a choice to make. Both of the paths in the hallway seemed equally unpleasant. However, Zeke and the others had no real reason to think about choosing a certain path, because they had no knowledge of what lied in either. So they...
  7. Stealthy Floatzel

    In Progress Lucario and the 10 Ordeals

    Chapter 8 Part 2: The Test of Resourcefulness Chapter 8: Unfamiliar Territory The portal that was supposed to take Zeke and Alice to the world of Pokemon, deposited them inside a massive, dimly-lit room that was made entirely of stone. Zeke was shocked at the result. "This isn't the world of...
  8. Stealthy Floatzel

    In Progress Lucario and the 10 Ordeals

    Chapter 7 Chapter 7: What Lurks Within Zeke and his friends were about to enter the mine through the entrance that converged three paths, that ran to separate mines. Their goal was the book, but they knew by now, it would not be easy to retrieve. After the warnings about the undead in the...
  9. Stealthy Floatzel

    In Progress Lucario and the 10 Ordeals

    Chapter 6 Chapter 6: The Mission Zeke and his friends had left the safety of the rooms behind the metal gate, because their goal was to look for a specific book, which had been lost since the first attack of the undead. It seemed now that Zeke, Alice, and the man with the hammer, now depended...
  10. Stealthy Floatzel

    In Progress Lucario and the 10 Ordeals

    Chapter 5 Chapter 5: Preparations Alan began his tour around the living complex with the main entrance. The hallway was laid with blocks of oddly-colored stone. The stone had a slightly purple hue to it. Maybe that was why Zeke was more interested in the tour than Alice was. Alan stopped and...
  11. Stealthy Floatzel

    In Progress Lucario and the 10 Ordeals

    Chapter 4 Chapter 4: Shelter Zeke and Alice had chosen the path on the right, because they thought that they would be more likely to encounter something unpleasant on the left. But the path on the right was not much better. They slowly crept through the ruined passage, trying to stay out of...
  12. Stealthy Floatzel

    In Progress Lucario and the 10 Ordeals

    Chapter 3 Chapter 3: The Grim Reality Zeke and Alice were having quite a fun time looking for valuables. Already they found a number of nuggets, some of them gold, some of them silver, and even a few precious gems. So far, they had left the room with the dark spots and entered a series of...
  13. Stealthy Floatzel

    In Progress Lucario and the 10 Ordeals

    Chapter 2 Chapter 2: The Truth After Zeke had collapsed, whatever was in the dark spot dragged him to the corner of the room. Zeke was either asleep or unconscious, but he could not tell the difference. He began to dream about a waterfall with a lot of vegetation around it. The sky was...
  14. Stealthy Floatzel

    In Progress Lucario and the 10 Ordeals

    Chapter 1 Part 1: The Test of Courage Chapter 1: The Portal and Behind It Zeke was returning home from his friend's house after spending the night there. He was quite pleased with himself after entertaining his friend's family with his childhood experiences. After he reached home, he saw the...
  15. Stealthy Floatzel

    In Progress Lucario and the 10 Ordeals

    Prologue On a day in mid-April, Zeke was returning home from a visit to his friend's house. He felt quite pleased with himself after entertaining his friend's family with experiences from his past. They were particularly interested at the big physical change that Zeke experienced when he was...
  16. Stealthy Floatzel

    Thanks for posting on my introduction. The last two forums I joined didn't even give me one...

    Thanks for posting on my introduction. The last two forums I joined didn't even give me one post. :( I'll see if my computer doesn't lock up while I try to post my story (because it's been doing that a lot).
  17. Stealthy Floatzel

    An Unconventional fanfic writer appeared

    I never knew there were so many Aspies here. It's good to know I'm not alone.
  18. Stealthy Floatzel

    An Unconventional fanfic writer appeared

    That's my motto. Hi, I'm Stealthy Floatzel. As you can tell, I like to write stories. If you've read "Lucario and the 10 Ordeals" or "Floatzel and the Power of Thinking," I'm the author. I'm known on other forums as Autistic Lucario. EDIT: All my chapters of "Lucario and the 10 Ordeals" to...
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