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Search results

  1. Karousever

    Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire

    Well, when I was 5 years old my first Pokemon game was Ruby, and now at 17, my tenth Pokemon game will be Omega Ruby. Woo :D
  2. Karousever

    Lie About the Above Poster

    ^ Cannot spell "licorice" (I'm making an assumption, you better know how to spell licorice or I've failed at this game XD)
  3. Karousever

    Lie About the Above Poster

    ^ Trains hippopotami to attack unsuspecting civilians.
  4. Karousever

    Top 10 Favorite Video Games

    Lazy, so just a list. 10. Game Dev Tycoon (2012) 9. BioShock Infinite (2013) 8. Fire Emblem Awakening (2013) 7. Prison Architect (Alpha) 6. Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty (2010) 5. Garry's Mod (2004) 4. Minecraft (2011) 3. Team Fortress 2 (2007) 2. The Sims 3 (2009) 1. The Elder...
  5. Karousever

    Happy Birthday! :D

    Happy Birthday! :D
  6. Karousever

    Well unluckily for them I was aware they were being sent, since my address book is terribly out...

    Well unluckily for them I was aware they were being sent, since my address book is terribly out of date and I got at least 25+ "Returned to Sender" emails XD My grandpa replied with, "Are you trying to tell that I look old?" I'm hoping he didn't click on the link. I have no idea where the link goes.
  7. Karousever

    I apologize for the email.

    I apologize for the email.
  8. Karousever


    Jenny Wakeman. Jenny Wakeman vs Toph Bei Fong
  9. Karousever


    Parasoul. Parasoul vs Kanade Tachibana
  10. Karousever


    Tron Bonne. Tron Bonne vs Lucy Heartfilia.
  11. Karousever

    Need Opinion on What Term to Use

    Well I think I've finally settled on the terms to use. I took all my categories of magic and gave them -mancy names. Although...a quick Google search told me that -mancy doesn't mean what I thought (and that a lot of people are using it wrong). Is it still okay to use it the wrong way, then? I...
  12. Karousever


    Super Saiyan Gandhi. Super Saiyan Gandhi vs Ghost Nappa
  13. Karousever

    Need Opinion on What Term to Use

    If anyone can think of a better name for one or the other, that would help as well :P
  14. Karousever

    Need Opinion on What Term to Use

    Well to clarify it sort of works more that way anyway. Say you etch your seal into the back of your phone and name it "phone" in the magical language (pretending there would be a word for that, they don't use technology). One day, you go to school, and you realize you forgot your phone. So...
  15. Karousever

    Need Opinion on What Term to Use

    Okay, so I'm working on a magic story, and there's several different categories of magic and such, and I've decided to take one and split it into two similar categories. The names I've come up with are Summoning and Conjuring, one is to be used to bring forth creatures and demons and the like...
  16. Karousever


    Super Saiyan Gandhi, duh. Super Saiyan Gandhi vs Civilization Gandhi (I hope somebody understands)
  17. Karousever

    What are you reading? II

    Trafficked by Kim Purcell...I think this book will make me sad :(
  18. Karousever

    Testing thread

    I am frightened by what I see. What were you testing? O.o
  19. Karousever


    Gosh dangit Batman. I hardly even like Batman!! Batman vs Spiderman
  20. Karousever


    Batman. Batman vs Iron Man
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