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Search results

  1. Karousever

    What Games Are You Playing?

    I loved Infinite so much. Elizabeth is the coolest video game companion ever.
  2. Karousever

    How much more of a responsibility to the world do more powerful/influential countries have compared to less powerful/influential ones?

    Superman could fail. Joe Everyman could have a brilliant idea that saves us all.
  3. Karousever

    How much more of a responsibility to the world do more powerful/influential countries have compared to less powerful/influential ones?

    Well Ether's Bane did say in global issues, not necessarily just in the affairs of smaller countries. So they're probably bothering the bigger countries more than the smaller countries when it comes to that. I personally think every country has a right to at least sort of keep an eye on every...
  4. Karousever

    Activity pit of doom

    No one's going to clap for Superbird? I loved that post. *claps for Superbird* He deserves it!
  5. Karousever

    Activity pit of doom

    Blimps, guys.
  6. Karousever

    The "Fwee" Thread

    I hadn't realized you had left D: Well welcome back! And congratulations on the prom date! And jellybeans!
  7. Karousever

    Well I just hope my teacher is amused enough that she doesn't get mad that I didn't know the...

    Well I just hope my teacher is amused enough that she doesn't get mad that I didn't know the math. And it's a little complicated to explain, I guess. A long time ago, when my friend and I were very young (so, 12), we came up with a story about us and our friends getting superpowers after...
  8. Karousever

    I had the worst teacher for Algebra II. I have her now, for Pre-Calculus. Today I actually had a...

    I had the worst teacher for Algebra II. I have her now, for Pre-Calculus. Today I actually had a quiz, and I knew literally nothing. Like, I didn't even know how to start a problem. So instead, I wrote a short story about how two gnome brothers, Gnurlath and Iffelkur, who rallied their dying...
  9. Karousever

    How come? And no sir, just a short story.

    How come? And no sir, just a short story.
  10. Karousever

    Nope, just being in high school kinda does that :P Just tired, all the time. And oh that's...

    Nope, just being in high school kinda does that :P Just tired, all the time. And oh that's interesting, good luck with that! I couldn't write poetry to save my life. Nor could I appreciate it properly, for that matter.
  11. Karousever

    At the moment? Exhausted. Yourself?

    At the moment? Exhausted. Yourself?
  12. Karousever


    Hello new!
  13. Karousever

    Hey! New personality quiz!

    I got Young Couple and the last line really cracks me up.
  14. Karousever

    R/S/E What changes would you want/expect in an RSE remake?

    YES for the love of GOD. I hate once I hit 70 and then the game is just a pain in the butt. I'll grind my whole party all day long and still be nowhere. Blech.
  15. Karousever

    Math Thread

    I am failing Pre-Calculus. But I used to really like making everything into a percentage. Mmm, statistics.
  16. Karousever

    Activity pit of doom

    My point didn't really come out the way I wanted it to, what I was trying to get at is that in the interest of boosting discussion you could try the sorts of topics that almost everybody has opinions on (hopefully aggressive opinions!), etc etc. Though I guess Hiikaru makes it sound like math...
  17. Karousever

    Activity pit of doom

    I think if we want to provoke discussion we should focus our energies on digging up topics that lots of people can discuss and give input on, math is just sort of...Well a lot of people don't like math, I guess is what I mean. So that's great for those who do but it's only going to attract...
  18. Karousever

    Musics that sound like each other

    Not sure if this counts, but.
  19. Karousever

    What's Your Name?

    Alexander Michael Mueller
  20. Karousever

    I think my socks are ninjas...

    I have a messy room, so that's probably my fault...but still I thought I kept track of the socks better than anything. Then again my mom has a whole basket of unpaired socks (the pairs are in there, just lost against all the other socks) and so maybe she just keeps tossing them in there.
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