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Search results

  1. Esque

    Ah? I suppose so. That is the title I seem to receive most often when I do my job.

    Ah? I suppose so. That is the title I seem to receive most often when I do my job.
  2. Esque


  3. Esque


    I personally am against it, for the most part. For rape, date rape, and wherever the mother's life would be threatened by having the child, it's alright. In any case, condoms aren't all that effective. They break easily, are made of cheap plastic (I know someone who is allergic to condoms. The...
  4. Esque

    Meat Eating

    I'm not a vegetarian or a vegan, no. But I, like many others here, still live with my parents. I only know two people still living with their parents (around my age) who are vegans (I don't know any vegetarians), and their parents are also vegan so there isn't meat or dairy or anything like that...
  5. Esque

    Suicide Game! =D

    *Swallows* *Gets papercut* *bleeds to death* *Drops candy.*
  6. Esque

    Yay I made a friend!!

    Yay I made a friend!!
  7. Esque

    Suicide Game! =D

    Being the tiny being that I am... *is crushed* I drop lighter fluid.
  8. Esque

    Hello, dear.

    Hello, dear.
  9. Esque

    Aww. Okay. : D Nice to meet you. And stuffs.

    Aww. Okay. : D Nice to meet you. And stuffs.
  10. Esque

    So, are you a conspiracy theorist?

    So, are you a conspiracy theorist?
  11. Esque

    The "Fwee" Thread

    A little over two weeks ago this super amazing guy asked me out. (Eeep!) Oh, and all of my friends and various others totally panicked because I now have a boyfriend (even I figured it would be another couple of years). Oh, and he asked me if I want to see Alice in Wonderland so I might get to...
  12. Esque

    Greetings from Jupiter!

    Hello. Welcome to tCoD. Unfortunately, last I check, tCoD was not located on Jupiter. However, I think that portal might've led to Jupiter... Anyway, welcome to the forum!!
  13. Esque

    *Returns high-five* This is so cool!

    *Returns high-five* This is so cool!
  14. Esque

    Childhood Question-Which pokemon would you have as a pet?

    Ohhh... ahm... hard question!! I'd love a dratini. A chikorita would be cool too. But, knowing me, I would end up with a magicarp or something.
  15. Esque


  16. Esque


    Hello. Welcome to tCoD, where we eat tea and drink cod.
  17. Esque

    TCoD: The Café of Doom

    Re: TCoD: The Café of Doom Wait... who came up with the idea of the Irish being lucky?
  18. Esque


    Oh... well, random, at the very least. I shall do my best!
  19. Esque

    Posting from Shanghai

    Wow! That sounds like a ton of fun. (Too bad for China they didn't think to block awesome sites like this one.) Enjoy yourself! The travel time must be hard, but you're most likely too excited to worry about that. Actually, if I were you, I'd most likely spend the entire trip trying to get on...
  20. Esque


    Hey! I remember that header! Honestly, I kind of liked the header (did you know it comes back if you're inactive for too long?) but, hey, you don't have to. Hi Uchiha Sasuke. I don't wonder where you got your username. So you like Naruto then? This reminds me that I have a few dozen friends I...
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