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Posting from Shanghai

Vladimir Putin's LJ

your blood flows through my veins
I'm currently on a two-week trip to China which I'm moderately excited about. It's hard to be extremely excited when you've just spent +15 hours travelling nonstop hnghngh and now I have to meet and stay with some random high-profile family which I don't really feel up to now but whatevs.

I left on Sunday, which was one day after I came back from the Model European Council thing in Alicante. I was the Portuguese Minister of External Relations. It was the best time ever (even though I had to share a bed with the Minister of Health & Education of Germany).

Also I can't access Facebook right now but I don't know if that's because the internet in the Shanghai airport is so-so or if it's because it's a banned site :0
lucky bastard. i WOULD be on a two week trip to china right now, except not enough people from my school signed up so it was canceled. next year, though, i think it might actually work out.

and yeah china has banned facebook :(
Wow! That sounds like a ton of fun. (Too bad for China they didn't think to block awesome sites like this one.) Enjoy yourself! The travel time must be hard, but you're most likely too excited to worry about that. Actually, if I were you, I'd most likely spend the entire trip trying to get on Facebook.
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