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Search results

  1. Esque

    Why thank you, I think I will.

    Hello RedMage! Welcome to tCoD, where we eat tea and drink cod. Hey! Are you a Final Fantasy fan? Because judging by your username, I think you might be a Final Fantasy fan.
  2. Esque

    Help with pose and chest of drawing

    Better, but, I think you lost all of your 'women's hips are wider than their shoulders'. Maybe check that your legs are proportional to your arms?
  3. Esque


    I don't think it's unlikely. Even with what we call modern technology, we can only see so far from the earth. There could be four, or five hundred other celestial beings out there like our sun. We don't know. In any case, it's definitely possible. I'm told ice was found on Mars. I have also...
  4. Esque

    Zek, the Shadow Spy.

    Welcome to tCoD, where we eat tea and drink cod.
  5. Esque


    Hello. I must admit I am an avid believer in plant beverage, and appreciate herbs. Like chamomile, and echanacia (I just KNOW I spelled that wrong...), and mint is just fantastic. Herbal remedies are my favorite. ...I understand there was something important in that last sentence? If you...
  6. Esque

    Have You Read The Book Series "Runaways" by Marvel?

    I had read the first one a while back and did not know whether there was another book. After a while I must have forgotten about it. Do you know whether there's a place I can read it online?
  7. Esque

    It is better for ten guilty men to go free than for one innocent man to be wrongly convicted

    Agree with the title, oppose the death penalty. On the subject of the death penalty, I shall quote another. "Why do we kill people who kill people to teach people not to kill people?" I does not make sense, and simply worsens the problem. On account on the second, perhaps the guilty ought to...
  8. Esque

    That is how I speak, yes. I would have some difficulty typing in such a manner if I did not...

    That is how I speak, yes. I would have some difficulty typing in such a manner if I did not speak that way, I believe.
  9. Esque

    lip health

    When they've healed a little bit, you can get more effect out of chapstick. However, they will heal much faster if you're properly hydrated. Apparently, you should drink about (weight in pounds/2) oz of water per day.
  10. Esque

    Well, I know not what I should say here. I posted a vague introduction thread if it's of any...

    Well, I know not what I should say here. I posted a vague introduction thread if it's of any consolation.
  11. Esque

    IN FRONT OF THE AVATAR [Pictures of your computer]

    So, I saw the 'Behind the Avatar' thread, and I was like, 'Well, I can't really put up a picture of me.' So, I thought I'd make this thread. Now, I'mma go find a camera so I can take a picture of my lovely Tablet PC with hardware malfunctions.
  12. Esque

    Funny Moments at School V2

    So, we're in Biology, dong a 'lab' on genetics and hereditary traits and genes. As I attend an all-girls school, it was an awkward subject to begin with. We had to decide who would be the 'father' and who would be the 'mother'. We are required to sketch our 'child' once we have finished...
  13. Esque


    Jessie - Thank you for the welcome. Midnight - This forum has a history? Oooooooh... James - I know Thesaurus is not effectively a language, but unfortunately as I am for the most part self-taught to the extent of the range of my vocabulary, I have difficulty acquiring an understanding of the...
  14. Esque

    I suppose I am.

    I suppose I am.
  15. Esque


    I am not the person to ask about that. I am afraid I only know about computer functions, not models.
  16. Esque


    My gratitude for the welcome. If you wish me to define something for you, I would be more than happy to oblige. I shall do my best to enjoy this place of yours. My computer is a laptop. All I have is that row of numbers along the top.
  17. Esque

    G/S/C Internal Battery Dead?

    How much did the new battery cost you? I've been having the same problem.
  18. Esque


    I shall try that, although I don't have a number pad, which may be a bit of a hindrance. ...nothing.
  19. Esque


    Do I confuse you? I apologize. That is how I talk, every single day. I find it useful to have a variety of words to manipulate to my advantage in speaking. Which I must admit I do far too frequently. Thank you greatly for the welcome. It's nice to meet you Blastoise. I do appreciate mints, I...
  20. Esque

    Are you disordered?

    Disorder | Rating Paranoid: Low <--- Sounds about right, so far as their description is concerned. Schizoid: Low <--- Okay then. Schizotypal: Very High <--- I should have a higher rating here. Antisocial: Moderate <--- Ha. Ha. Ha. Borderline: Moderate <--- ? Histrionic: Very High <--- Ha. Ha...
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