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Search results

  1. EchoedSeel

    Just in case you come on here, Pokestory's up again, there's just little to no threads.

    Just in case you come on here, Pokestory's up again, there's just little to no threads.
  2. EchoedSeel

    You need to get on Pokestory again! Chromatic finally has a new chapter and you're one of the...

    You need to get on Pokestory again! Chromatic finally has a new chapter and you're one of the only people that read it!
  3. EchoedSeel

    Gawsh. Where are you???

    Gawsh. Where are you???
  4. EchoedSeel

    In Progress Chromatic

    Thanks for all the advice! It's sure to better my writing. For anyone that actually reads and/or likes this and wants to follow it, go to www.pokestory.com . It's my new forum home.
  5. EchoedSeel

    In Progress Chromatic

    Okay, I haven't been getting many comments lately about reading it, so if you don't want me to take it down, please VM/PM me about it. I don't want it sitting here taking space if no one reads it.
  6. EchoedSeel

    In Progress Chromatic

    OMG YAY CHAPTER 10!!!! Chapter 10- The Warring Factions “I’m sure you’re familiar with the old story of how Chord City got its name, right?” Nicole started again. “Well, somewhere between the storybooks and the history lectures, most of the story was lost. Allow us to fill you in. A long time...
  7. EchoedSeel

    In Progress Chromatic

    Readers prepare. Here's Chapter 9. Chapter 9: Retreat and Recovery Nicole was now officially worried. “Why are THEY here, especially now?” she wondered to herself. Could this talented young girl Chloe have anything to do with it? She would have to keep her eyes open. If they were here, ready...
  8. EchoedSeel

    In Progress Chromatic

    Trust me. It will majorly increase in the next chapter. Like, I may even need to do parts.
  9. EchoedSeel

    In Progress Chromatic

    Still no comments? Come on guys, I need feedback! Chapter 8: Contest Chaos! After a few more days of practicing, the day of the contest finally arrived. Chloe, along with other coordinators, gathered inside the purple-roofed building known to the world as the Chord Contest Hall. It...
  10. EchoedSeel

    Does Ash's team stink?

    Yes. I hate how he can just OHKO things that are resistant to the type of move he uses.
  11. EchoedSeel

    In Progress Chromatic

    Ok...no comments, eh? Alright, Chapter 7, then! Chapter 7: Readying the Appeals The next day, she felt great after her battle against Nicole. She had earned a gym badge and discovered the fun of gym battles. If she saw Braden she would have to apoli-. No. She was not about to give that idiot...
  12. EchoedSeel

    Could you? That'd be great. Chloe is another one I REALLY need before I can make a banner or...

    Could you? That'd be great. Chloe is another one I REALLY need before I can make a banner or something for the fic.
  13. EchoedSeel

    I'd kinda like to know, that way I can get someone else to do it if you don't want to.

    I'd kinda like to know, that way I can get someone else to do it if you don't want to.
  14. EchoedSeel

    um...are you still going to sprite for my fanfic?

    um...are you still going to sprite for my fanfic?
  15. EchoedSeel

    In Progress Chromatic

    Yes, chillens, I'm still here. Haven't had access to the computer for awhile, but I'm still here. Now, I present to you...*drumroll* a rather long chapter! Chapter 6: Blakkit Does Its Best Nicole was right. It was extremely hard to miss the gym, a building painted entirely hot pink...
  16. EchoedSeel

    Yeah. Chloe, for one. Her description will go in one of the next chapters, essentialy, your...

    Yeah. Chloe, for one. Her description will go in one of the next chapters, essentialy, your average "player girl" with a white shirt, khaki capris (or shorts. I haven't really thought that out yet. Go ahead and do whatever's easier for you.), and chestunt colored hair, tied in a short ponytail...
  17. EchoedSeel

    Were you going to do any other sprites from my fic?

    Were you going to do any other sprites from my fic?
  18. EchoedSeel

    For anyone that cares, Chapter 5 of my fic is up!

    For anyone that cares, Chapter 5 of my fic is up!
  19. EchoedSeel

    In Progress Chromatic

    Hmmm...been a while since I posted a chapter, hasn't it? Well, here's chapter 5. Enjoy, just don't salivate on it. This one's short to make up for the next one, which will be longer. Chapter 5: Striking a Chord The next day, the mysterious figure was out of Chloe’s mind completely. As soon...
  20. EchoedSeel

    oh, its written well past what I've posted, but I've had a death in the family and haven't had...

    oh, its written well past what I've posted, but I've had a death in the family and haven't had much time to post here lately. Also, come to www.pokestory.com . It's a new forum that's looking for members. My fanfic is also being transfered there.
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