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Search results

  1. EchoedSeel

    Nous parlons français

    Re: Nous parlons français Est-ce que je peux me joindre ? Je parle le français et l'am dans le club français à mon école.
  2. EchoedSeel

    The Riddle Game

    Actually, Metallica Fanboy's the correct one. Let me explain Saltwater rooms and Fireflies. <---- Songs by Owl City, a singer. Noctowl is an owl. If it's in the day you'll see my goodbye. <---- Owls only come out at night. If I turn my head you must be upside down. } Noctowl's Pokedex...
  3. EchoedSeel

    The Riddle Game

    Ahhh, but which one? That is the question...;)
  4. EchoedSeel

    The Riddle Game

    I should give you some sagely advice, but I don't have any. Now, what could the key word here be?
  5. EchoedSeel

    The Riddle Game

    No. Does anyone want hints?
  6. EchoedSeel

    Just a Question

    Thanks! This will really help the increase the readability of my fic!
  7. EchoedSeel

    Just a Question

    I have a fanfic. *points at signature* I was wondering if there was any way to extract the single post so that people won't have to click and hunt through pages to find each chapter. You know, something like with sprite comics or along those lines. Thanks in advance!
  8. EchoedSeel

    In Progress Chromatic

    Well, still nothing so I'm going to go ahead and post Chapter 4. Chapter 4: A Chord City History Lesson Chloe was eagerly running toward the city lights, expectant of the warm glow of artistic civilization that awaited her there. Chord City was a well-known haven for artists, and had been for...
  9. EchoedSeel

    I'll see what I can do on meh horrible MSPaint. Still no guesses for my riddle or riddle of your...

    I'll see what I can do on meh horrible MSPaint. Still no guesses for my riddle or riddle of your own?
  10. EchoedSeel

    yeah, but I like that color better anyway.

    yeah, but I like that color better anyway.
  11. EchoedSeel

    What are you talking about? It's GREAT!!! It needs eyes though...

    What are you talking about? It's GREAT!!! It needs eyes though...
  12. EchoedSeel

    The Riddle Game

    Nope. As I posted before, once you figure out the connection between the things mentioned in the first line, it's really obvious.
  13. EchoedSeel

    The Riddle Game

    That one.
  14. EchoedSeel

    The Riddle Game

    THANK YOU! Finally someone sees it! I don't think I really need to explain that one... I still have one more...
  15. EchoedSeel

    The Riddle Game

    No and no. Come on guys. THE NAME SOUNDS FRENCH! Still no guesses for the other one?
  16. EchoedSeel

    In Progress Chromatic

    Thanks! Whoa...I totally just noticed the Ch thing...Chloe was just a random name I liked, Chroma is like a Chromatic Scale in music (13 Notes instead of 8) and Chord will be explained in the next chapter.
  17. EchoedSeel

    the color should be amber-goldish but I don't think it will make that much of a difference.

    the color should be amber-goldish but I don't think it will make that much of a difference.
  18. EchoedSeel

    How's lil Blakkit coming along?

    How's lil Blakkit coming along?
  19. EchoedSeel

    The Riddle Game

    Still no guesses for either of mine?
  20. EchoedSeel

    It depends. I actually got TWO requests, one via PM. Once that one comes back, if yours is...

    It depends. I actually got TWO requests, one via PM. Once that one comes back, if yours is better, then yes.
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