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Search results

  1. Creasy

    repeating background problems

    Remove the "width" property from #rightmenu.
  2. Creasy

    Footer to phpBB?

    Add it to /styles/(your skin)/template/overall_footer.html.
  3. Creasy

    This just in: Sarah Palin is a fucking idiot.

    Re: This just in: Sarah Palin is a fucking idot. Compatible ideologies. Leninism is Marxism is socialism.
  4. Creasy

    EVIL MUSLIMS in Europe?

    That's reasonable from an atheistic perspective, but my point stands. Most Christians reject Mosaic Law, and virtually all would agree that genocide is wrong. Either way, the atrocities of the OT are no reason to criticize modern Christianity.
  5. Creasy

    EVIL MUSLIMS in Europe?

    Gentile Christians aren't biblically obligated to celebrate any sabbath. It's just tradition. According to Paul, Jews and Jewish converts to Christianity must still observe the seventh-day sabbath and Mosaic Law in general.
  6. Creasy

    EVIL MUSLIMS in Europe?

    It's not a reinterpretation. Christians intentionally celebrate the sabbath on the first day, despite God's commandment that the Jews do so on the seventh. Jesus fulfilled the Law of the OT. He and Paul explicitly contradict it throughout the New Testament. e.g.: "You have heard that it was...
  7. Creasy

    EVIL MUSLIMS in Europe?

    Surely you've noticed that Christians don't keep kosher or observe the sabbath on Saturday (one of the Ten Commandments).
  8. Creasy

    EVIL MUSLIMS in Europe?

    No part of Mosaic Law is applicable to Christians.
  9. Creasy

    EVIL MUSLIMS in Europe?

    * Christians are supposed to live by the New Testament. They're perfectly "valid", but no longer applicable.
  10. Creasy

    EVIL MUSLIMS in Europe?

    Christians live by the New Testament. Jesus never endorsed genocide.
  11. Creasy


    Cool, but you should read this.
  12. Creasy

    Should Spanish be a required course in American schools?

    No. Forced education of any kind is ineffective and morally wrong. See John Holt's "How Children Fail" and "How Children Learn".
  13. Creasy

    Switching to ASP.net?

    UTF-8 should work normally with ASP. How are you encoding it/declaring that encoding?
  14. Creasy

    Nova Roma

    Why do I need to register just to read topics? -_-
  15. Creasy

    Cleaner Sprite Generator?

    They're ugly and difficult to maintain/scale.
  16. Creasy

    PHP + CSS

    Why can't you use the "background-image" property for all five links? Including different HTML based on style defeats the purpose of CSS.
  17. Creasy

    Cleaner Sprite Generator?

    And then unset() the placeholders? Yuck. Placeholders don't belong in an array of Pokémon. Hacks tend to do that.
  18. Creasy

    Cleaner Sprite Generator?

    That seems hackish to me. The OP might also want to exclude certain Pokémon from the array (such as Unown).
  19. Creasy

    Banning Books

    You're aware that pornography can be written?
  20. Creasy

    Banning Books

    lol, pop psychology. "Results supported the hypotheses that positively evaluated early sexual experiences would be associated with greater erotophilia, more acceptance of various sexual behaviors for self and others, and greater sexual satisfaction."...
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