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Switching to ASP.net?

Shiny Grimer

Active member
she/her, they/them
So, I switched my site to ASP because I saw this neat breadcrump ASP script which I was going to do with HTML but was much easier with ASP.

The problem is that all of the pages on my site using non-ASCII characters don't display properly.

For example, I get this "(Die Legende vom Äonentor)" instead of "Die Legende vom Äonentor". I can't use UTF-8, and none of the other encodings work (I want to use UTF-8, anyway). With ASP.net, I could use UTF-8 and still keep all the functions of my site.

The problem is the breadcrumb script. It doesn't work in ASP.net.
So, I was wondering, how could I make the script into ASP.net? I have various books on ASP.net, but I'm not advanced enough to know how to code this.

On the other hand, if anyone knows of how to use UTF-8 with ASP pages, I'd be eternally grateful. :3

The code is here.
UTF-8 should work normally with ASP. How are you encoding it/declaring that encoding?

It seems that I've made an error with the ASP. I didn't mention that it should be UTF-8. I've made the change and it works swimmingly now. Thanks.
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