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Search results

  1. U

    Gen. V Vault

    - A Skarmory prevo. - Another pokemon in the Delibird line. -Pikachu will be in the game, as well as Zubat, Geodude and Machop. -There will be a new regional bird, regional rat and regional bug line. -One of the starters will evolve to be part-Dragon. -Two new Eeveelutions - a Fighting-type...
  2. U

    Favorite Sprite

    Shiny Swablu. It's having an identity crisis after all...:p Seriously, the HG/SS Umbreon frame 2 sprite is easily one of the best of the new games. Not that it's saying much.
  3. U

    Funny Moments at School V2

    Guy: Hey, the teacher isn't hear yet, let's play Pictionary on the blackboard. **draws a blob with a vague resemblance to a lizard** Me: It's a salamander! Guy: No, it's a newt! Me: It's a salamander! Sakurai:laughs
  4. U

    You laugh you lose (aka POST ALL FUNNY STUFF HERE)

    Sakurai: laughs I have nothing to contribute.
  5. U


    ^ What she said. Also, why are some people in this thread using the subject manner to make crude jokes like "there's a cause ["buttfucking"] I can get behind"? This is supposed to be a serious debate.
  6. U


    ^ What he said. This is isn't really a great debate, simply because on a smallish forum like this, there is a smaller amount of people to disagree with each other on a subject which doesn't really cause controversy, unlike some topics. ungulateman
  7. U

    European Union

    The EU's problems tend to be blown out of proportion. Hey, I'm a sucker for anything involving unity and equality among all people. :p
  8. U

    [MATURE] Fetishes?

    Anthros. (Note that I don't mean people in fursuits, but the fictional idea behind anthros.) Mild transformation as well.
  9. U

    Encyclopedia Dramatica

    It's an entire website of troll. But hey, who cares?
  10. U

    The Battle Frontiers

    Tower: HAX. AND HAVING A BAD TEAM. Hall: SHEDINJA. AND NOT PREPARING FOR IT. Factory: MORE RIDICULOUS HAX. Castle: STUPID RANK SYSTEM. AND CHEATING AI. Arcade: HAVING A CRAPPY TEAM AT THE TIME. AND HAX. Sorry, just needed to get that out of my system. In the Factory, my Cradily got frozen and...
  11. U

    Do you sort your PC Pokemon?

    I sort by evolutionary stage. I also have a "Teams" box, for my teams, several boxes of bred / breeding Pokemon, a box for Pokemon with useful natures and an "Inbox", where newly captured Pokemon go for processing. I still have some spare boxes left.
  12. U

    HeartGold And SoulSilver

    They may have named that TR guy after Lance Armstrong. But, as someone mentioned, it could also be after a rocket called a Lance.
  13. U

    The Most Forgotten Pokemon

    Evidently it's so forgotten you can't remember how to spell its name.
  14. U

    HeartGold And SoulSilver

    Stop stealing my plan! >:U Nah, I'm kidding. But I have a friend who's going to Japan soon, and I should get mine by the end of the holidays (in Australia).
  15. U

    The Great Pokemon Hunt

    Zapdos still refuses the caress of my Quick Balls. T_T I had trouble with Lapras, but not as much as everyone else. Took me about 20 minutes IIRC.
  16. U


    Even toed. Call me Ungy for short. Or don't be lazy and use my full username. ;)
  17. U

    HeartGold And SoulSilver

    @above: I approve. A LOT. Plus, Lance / Red battle music is so epic it's not even epic anymore, it surpasses epic and trips up epic on its way past.
  18. U

    Cheat Cartidges

    If I did, I'd use it for RNGing. I need my SID... >.>
  19. U

    In-game epicness

    Hehehehe. I remember taking on the E4 in Ruby, when I was a noob, and killing Drake's Salamence with Sky Uppercut after it used Fly. ^_^ I lost though, as my next highest levelled Pokemon was like, Lv.37... More recently, bashing up the E4 in Platinum with my mighty Empoleon sweeping...
  20. U

    Favorite Quotes

    Re: Best In-Game Quotes "I'm a little snowflake, a precious, unspoilt flower..." Being said by a ROUGHNECK. 0_o
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