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The Battle Frontiers

it's freaking /yellow/
and it sucks
you can't use NOOOO >:( when objecting to emerald!!!!!
what kind of nutter are you
and it does not suck it looks freaking awesome in the anime

and now to be slightly on topic, even with an action replay the pyramid is PURE EVIL. Seriously this one time I got to the top floor of the 3rd time through and I was like yessss it's nearly Brandon time and then some git comes and kills my dudes easy
so much rage
Never beat Emerald or Plantinum, so I can't say. :/

Agreeing with Jolty on Battle Pyramid in the anime, though. (it moves! ^^)
Huh, I've actually never gone to the Battle Pyramid. I don't even know what rules it abides by. Research tiemmmm :D

I would've gotten the gold Factory symbol by now in Platinum though, if it weren't for my luck. I swear, Pokemon games hate me. Every single time I lost, it was because of a critical hit. And those things never show up for me. ...Or if they do, it's when I'm scoring the finishing blow anyway.
The one time I managed to beat Thorton though, I was still raging. Hell, he had f'ing 2 Legendaries (Heatran and Cresselia)! Heatran was no problem, since I just Earth Power'd it, but Cresselia nearly screwed me over. Is it just me that finds it a bit unfair, that the Brain can use Legendaires?
Depends on the legendary; some of them are fairly easy to kill with almost anything you're likely to have (re: Articuno, Heatran if you have something fast, Registeel isn't bad), others are really evil. It's fun when you get to use the same ones on other people from Streak 4+, though. :)

I've technically only made it to battle five or six of my seventh streak (riiiight before Thorton #2, ARGH), and I probably could've gone all the way if I didn't swap every single time. More than once I've traded something away even though everything I had was better than the opponent's, but that's because I'm still trying to experiment with stuff for my article and it would've screwed up my test if I'd kept all three. :/ I have both symbols in Emerald, though. Noland isn't as evil as Thorton.
Streak 4+? Awesome. I'm on my 4th streak right now. *rubs hands with glee*

I hardly ever swap Pokemon actually, because I have such a bad memory that not only do I not remember my opponent's Pokemon, I don't remember their moves and stuff, and I don't even remember my own Pokemon. For some reason I remember the next Pokemon I'm facing, or at least one of their moves if I'm on streak 4+, but if I don't remember my 1st Pokemon that's not much of a help. So I just sit tight and hope everything goes in my favour.
They're really rare on 4, but I've gotten as many as 4 legendaries at a time in my opening six on 5. That's when they get really, really common.

...actually, I could be remembering it wrong and they only start appearing on 5+, but I swear I can remember seeing Regigigas or Articuno or something on 4 at least once.
Well, I can't really confirm that. I haven't seen a single Legendary yet on my 4th streak, but maybe it's because they're, y'know, rare.

...Now I'm getting the feeling that I'll fail epically on my 4th streak.
Ah, Battle Frontier :D I love both of them. It would've been great if Platinum's could've had more variety, yeah (would it have killed them to keep all of Emerald's facilities and just add the three new ones? Ten is a nice, round number, after all...)
This is exactly what I was going to say.

I love both the Battle Fronteirs, but Platinum really could use some extra facilites; plus, the two Emerald facilities they kept in Platinum were hardly my favorites. WHY DID THEY KILL THE BATTLE DOME WHY WHY

On the legendaries thing, I've never had to face Thorton while he was using legendaries (actually I only battled him once but); however, a different Brain, Argenta, used a Heatran against me.
The Battle Hellhole Pyramid is awful. I always end up losing on the last floor. I think I may have cleared it like once, but I was pretty damn lucky that time.

i went through living hell there to find that brandon has regis.
when all i brought was a overtrained shedinja.
..stupid regirock.
GAHHH I just lost all my streaks! I lost on the final opponent on my 6th Arcade streak, lost on my 4th Hall streak because Venomoth couldn't hurt Shedinja, lost on the 3rd Castle streak (I hate that place), lost on my 2nd Tower streak (Critical hit hax), and almost got my first Factory streak, but got walled by a Cradily. If I remembered it was weak to Bug before it set up, Pinsir would have slaughtered it...

Sorry, just needed to get that out of my system. In the Factory, my Cradily got frozen and didn't thaw for NINE TURNS. NINE. TURNS. I would've won except for that...

**swears incoherently**

One of the reasons is there are lots of BP's there and my pokemon usually get crap-ass kicked because only my level 50 froslass has 90 Sp. attack, 40 special and def EVs and 50 Speed Ev's, with a bashful nature, knowing thunderbolt, Ice beam, Water pulse and Bite(against light screen).
Acctualy, I got a 21 win row in double battle(with NPC trainer), always using my special sweeping team Charizard with Focusblast, Air Cutter, Substitute and Heat wave with SmartGlass, with 225 in def and special def EV'S(%&$%&§%$ That elite fours!),
and 4 speed EV's, hasty, and the previously noted froslass with the blue Melee pokemon guy.

I got 20 BP's from battling in teams, 0 from my own pokemon, and 100 from the factory. Also, the randomness adds some spiciness to it. Ehehehehehe...
Plus, Im playing a german game, so till now I didnt realize my my adamant gible is adamant, but thought its hardy, the reason I didnt EV train it(okay 60 Attack Ev's) or evolve it. Only thanks to Bulbapedia I found it out- however, now its levle 53 its a little bit too late...
Gaaaaahhhhhhhh my 88-win streak at the Battle Hall got broken by a Noctowl who managed to get two critical hits in a row.

Emerald's was more brilliant and diverse, though more time-investment was required. The Sinnoh frontier's facilities are simpler in design.
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