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Search results

  1. Harlequin

    Why do people dislike Americans?

    Sweden isn't great with the whole drugs thing. Not even cannabis. Is sad. :(
  2. Harlequin

    How did you become a brony?

    I was at home for the Easter break and everyone on #tcod was all ponyponypony, so I was like "k", and then I downloaded most of series 1 and then watched up to like, episode ten. I enjoyed it! I introduced it to my university friends and one of them is now a hardcore brony.
  3. Harlequin

    Why do people dislike Americans?

    I imagine because this is a thread about the USA, and the Phantom is an American. If you like I can list some of the things wrong with my country! We have a Conservative government (the Lib Dems don't really make it non-Conservative), our Prime Minister stood up and said we're a Christian...
  4. Harlequin

    The QUILTBAG Club (formerly the LGBT club)

    Grimdour, I've been home for a day already, and I think Kinova went home on the Friday (but I'm not sure so don't quote me on that). I won't be back until the 7th at the very least, probably more like the 8th or 9th. anyway! boyfriends, yay! homophobia, boo :( Flower Doll, well, at least...
  5. Harlequin

    The QUILTBAG Club (formerly the LGBT club)

    So! The level of gay in this thread appears to have reached an all-time low. What's been going on with everyone!? ALSO on the subject of a Cardiff!gay!tCoD!meetup, both Kinova and I are agreed that it would be fun. (We tried to go ice skating but it sort of failed because: rain, so instead we...
  6. Harlequin

    Why do people dislike Americans?

    Er, if it has anything to do with war then it isn't because people are jealous that the US has 'won' so many...
  7. Harlequin

    Why do people dislike Americans?

    We have good food :( it's mostly comfort food but that doesn't mean it isn't good! I like British food. Sunday roasts, English breakfasts, stews and so on and so forth. also, Welsh cakes <3
  8. Harlequin

    Behind the Avatar, Redux

    Haha fair, fair. tbf it's entirely possible I've seen you in town if you're ever in Cardiff, but that's not it. You look a bit like a friend of mine!
  9. Harlequin

    Behind the Avatar, Redux

    That is exactly who I expected you to look like! :P Nah, I don't actually know who Rock Lee is. I just Googled and if you mean the Naruto character then I guess I can sort of see it, but I mean an actual person!
  10. Harlequin

    Behind the Avatar, Redux

    It looks good! Also I'm not sure what I expected you to look like, btw, but you don't look it. Also also, you look a bit like someone I know! Hrm.
  11. Harlequin


    the tapwater back home (not in cardiff) tastes lovely and doesn't burn :(
  12. Harlequin

    Behind the Avatar, Redux

    I have no idea how I slept like that. I fell asleep sitting up anyway, but ... idk we both just ended up doing that. ALSO why pfff :( we were watching a film, it was warm, we fell asleep whist everyone else stayed awake D: also you have like the same hair as a guy I know, except he dyes it...
  13. Harlequin

    Spring 2012 Timetables

    Next semester I'm technically doing seven modules, but only five of those seven have any lectures (one is a coursework based module that has labs and other things, but no regular lectures, and the other is a field course that takes place in June/July in Kenya). I am reconsidering my choice of...
  14. Harlequin

    Behind the Avatar, Redux

    It's a student house. That sort of thing is standard. On the wall they have a calendar filled with pictures of nuns having fun! also, my friday nights are so intense guys: (i'm the tiger. apparently this photo was taken because we'd fallen asleep together in completely separate positions...
  15. Harlequin

    Kepler - 22B

    I want to go there and look at it. That'd be cool!
  16. Harlequin

    Christmas decorations.

    Absolutely unacceptable.
  17. Harlequin

    The QUILTBAG Club (formerly the LGBT club)

    Probably like early January, maybe the 7thish? I'll have to see what my housemates are doing! I don't really know what my Christmas plans are entirely, and I may end up leaving later than the 17th. It depends on like, housemates and whether or not I want to go home as soon as my lectures end etc.
  18. Harlequin

    Who are you?

    Hi! My name is Ewan. A lot of the older members here will recognise and know me, but it's possible and probable that lots of the newer members won't because I don't post very often. I'm a twenty year old homosexual atheist biology student who currently lives in Cardiff, which is in Wales. The...
  19. Harlequin

    Behind the Avatar, Redux

    HI GUYS I WENT TO A POKEPARTY REMEMBER? here's a picture (i lost my mane ; ; is sad)
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