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Search results

  1. Mr.RMA

    Frontier Town Nina's Place

    Corey had gone silent for a moment. The vibes coming from Nova for a brief period had become exceptionally... headache-inducing. There was really no other way to describe whatever strange feelings he'd picked up. It was all too quick, but it was enough to throw him off for most of the ensuing...
  2. Mr.RMA

    Sojaveña Wilds Totally Normal Bulletin Board

    Corey gave another quiet grunt as he picked himself back up and reconvened with the others. They were discussing the motives this Mew had regarding the bulletin board. "Perhaps..." Corey mused. "But... well, I can only speak with the very limited information I have regarding this topic... but...
  3. Mr.RMA

    Frontier Town Nina's Place

    Corey suddenly let out a bewildered sort of chuckle. “It’s irony is what it is… Humans as they really are? They’re weak, they’re frail, they’re helpless… at least, compared to most any Pokémon… and yet, throw a human soul into a Pokémon’s body and suddenly you’ve got some kind of super-combo…...
  4. Mr.RMA

    Frontier Town Nina's Place

    Corey let out a sigh from under his hat. “Seems to me like these days people are either deifying humans or demonizing them… Funny… it’s the sort of debate humans are likely to have all the time with each other… either they see themselves as special beyond all other life forms or they’re some...
  5. Mr.RMA

    Frontier Town Nina's Place

    “For god’s sake lighten up!” Corey suddenly blurted, immediately regretting it afterwards. “…Sorry… guess that’s a sign I’ve had enough to drink eh?” He tried to sheepishly remark before pulling his hat further down to hide his face. Let the record show that a tiny little ralts doesn’t take to...
  6. Mr.RMA

    Sojaveña Wilds Totally Normal Bulletin Board

    Once the coast was clear, Corey stopped his portion of the literal dust-up... and subsequently slouched to the ground in exhaustion, his head throbbing from the sheer amount of psychokinetic energy he'd generated... far more than what he'd grown accustomed to, and perhaps the limit to what his...
  7. Mr.RMA

    Sojaveña Wilds Totally Normal Bulletin Board

    The shouts from behind and the Mew's subsequent expression seemed to be enough to snap Corey back into reality. No surprise the Mew, with its particular job especially, would want to remain hidden from the public eye... Now the question was... how to best go about it. "...Okay... ah... Everyone...
  8. Mr.RMA

    Sojaveña Wilds Totally Normal Bulletin Board

    Corey felt himself on the verge of passing out… He was quite literally in a daze upon witnessing this sight. Encounters with other Pokémon of myth and legend had recently transpired before him, yes, but this? This was the big one… The Pokémon that many still believed was the ancestral base for...
  9. Mr.RMA

    Sojaveña Wilds Totally Normal Bulletin Board

    Well... at least it hadn't attacked them all like Corey had feared... but now it seemed the presence had vanished without a trace. Corey cursed under his breath, worried they'd lost their chance at learning more, but then he caught sight of Mhynt, supposedly wandering off to nowhere in...
  10. Mr.RMA

    Frontier Town Nina's Place

    Of all the times Corey had to try and down his drink... After a few seconds of coughing and hacking up the liquid from its brief descent into the wrong tube, the ralts sheepishly took his poncho and wiped off the mess he'd made before very quickly pressing his head down against the bar in...
  11. Mr.RMA

    Sojaveña Wilds Totally Normal Bulletin Board

    Corey tried his best to keep a hold on this entity for as long as possible, but he was struggling quite a bit. He knew it was only going to be a matter of moments before it broke away from him one way or another. As he tried to catch sight of the board supplies being carried, his eyes widened...
  12. Mr.RMA

    Sojaveña Wilds Totally Normal Bulletin Board

    "It's on the move!" With no time at all to contemplate, Corey had to act purely on instinct, dropping his psychic dust storm and focusing his entire telekinetic ability on the invisible presence that had just burst from the debris. He wasn't trying to hurt whatever it was, but he was doubtless...
  13. Mr.RMA

    Sojaveña Wilds Totally Normal Bulletin Board

    He only had so much time... Once the board changed, Corey had a suspicion that the presence would vanish soon after... unless they did something... "There's someone else here," he spoke, as quickly as he could whilst remaining comprehensive. He pointed at the spot where he sensed the invisible...
  14. Mr.RMA

    Sojaveña Wilds Totally Normal Bulletin Board

    Tracing the culprit... Huh... That might have been Dayle's most coherent theory yet! And it did seem the Meowth agreed, suggesting that he try to quite literally use his tracing ability on the board upon its timely change. "Well... I mean usually I'm fighting the target before I can trace...
  15. Mr.RMA

    Sojaveña Wilds Totally Normal Bulletin Board

    Corey glanced at the Meowth, then the Machoke, then the bulletin board. It only just occurred to him that he didn't recall seeing this particular Meowth before... Was she another fellow outworlder? She seemed about as confused as anyone unfamiliar with this Machoke would be, much as she was...
  16. Mr.RMA

    Sojaveña Wilds Totally Normal Bulletin Board

    "Woah now, relax, big guy!" Corey said, holding his hands up to show he wasn't planning anything nefarious. "Look, I only learned to teleport recently, this billboard's been teleporting notes well before I learned how to do it. I'm just as suspicious of its origins as you are." Okay, maybe not...
  17. Mr.RMA

    Sojaveña Wilds Totally Normal Bulletin Board

    Teleportation... of course... that made sense, especially after having used the power himself a few times by now. But truly that raised further questions. After all, if this was the teleport move, who was triggering it? The board itself? No one seemed to be appearing and disappearing along with...
  18. Mr.RMA

    Sojaveña Wilds Totally Normal Bulletin Board
    Threadmarks: [Ch02] Totally Normal?

    A day had come around where Corey found himself staring at the bulletin board, not interested in any jobs this time around... No, this time he was inclined to just observe the board itself. The mystery of this thing was really starting to get at him it seemed, leaving him just... rather...
  19. Mr.RMA

    Frontier Town Founder's Square

    Well... seems they got the approval of these travelers... and Corey kinda had to admit even after getting the stress out from battling, there was a certain catharsis to taking down Kotetsu after the trouble he'd caused, be it from cultural ignorance or otherwise. Perhaps he'd be a little less...
  20. Mr.RMA

    Frontier Town Founder's Square

    Alright... yeah, they managed to take down Kotetsu, but there was no way the three of them still standing would be able to defeat the duo that remained. Corey already had a few good bruises, he didn't need to piss off certain people by getting any more. "...Okay, I'm... I'm done," he declared...
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