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Sojaveña Wilds Totally Normal Bulletin Board

It happened quickly. The psionics on the ground send a plume of dust skyward like a dry geyser. That alone might not have done much--but Leaf attempting a Hypnosis a moment later seemed to have an effect. She couldn't tell if anything landed--her foe was invisible, if it was even there at all--but Corey could still sense a presence in the air.

The dust was thin enough that it lingered in the air. Adventurers turned their heads to the commotion, already on guard.

Something emerged from the dust. It was small and invisible; the only fact that it was there was given away by the way the dust moved like something bursting from a waterfall. It was flying fast. They had fractions of a second to react.
"It's on the move!"

With no time at all to contemplate, Corey had to act purely on instinct, dropping his psychic dust storm and focusing his entire telekinetic ability on the invisible presence that had just burst from the debris. He wasn't trying to hurt whatever it was, but he was doubtless doing everything he could to try and restrain it. There were far too many questions they needed to ask this... entity.
"Aaah, what? What are you guys--?!" Jade glanced and forth between Leaf and the Ralts, still very much not convinced that this was the best thing to do, but the panic of the moment combined with the fact that they seemed to have actually had an effect, and she found herself grabbing at Leaf's energy with Assist and trying to copy whatever it was. Some kind of psychic wave... Hypnosis?

She wanted to know who was behind it too, but was this really the way to do it?
"I have no idea!" Leaf called back. Oh, dang, there was something there, there was something there! It was also about to not be there anymore probably! Corey was trying to hold it, Jade was trying to help slow it down, but there wasn't really much else Leaf could do at range, other than just keep trying, and...

"Don't go, please don't go," she tried. "We're just to help solve problems, honest—we just want to talk about what's going on! Seems like you'd know a lot about everything that's going on around here, right?" The crowd of other board-goers was getting antsy around them, too; that probably wasn't helping. So she added in a lower hiss, "We can talk somewhere else if you want, if it's too crowded here! Just let us know where!"
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Mhynt observed quietly, watching for any signs of what she could do. She could try something herself, but she had a feeling the others wouldn't approve of anything too brazen. And she was not confident it would work, either.

She focused on searching for other signs.

Corey was able to get a hold on it--but quickly felt resistance. Whatever creature this was, it resisted psionics. It did, however, slow significantly to the distant Hypnosis attacks now that its location was more obvious.

And at the same time, Jade felt sleepy, too. It didn't look like the invisible creature had attacked, though... Nothing Mhynt had observed, at least.

"...It's carrying something," Mhynt reported. "The supplies, I think. What was meant for the board..."

Where the creature was, a white orb began to form. It was preparing to use a move...
Corey tried his best to keep a hold on this entity for as long as possible, but he was struggling quite a bit. He knew it was only going to be a matter of moments before it broke away from him one way or another.

As he tried to catch sight of the board supplies being carried, his eyes widened with alarm once he noticed white orb forming where he presumed the unknown creature to be.

"Crap..." he grunted, reluctantly releasing his telekinetic hold entirely, as to avoid whatever retaliation this might be. He might have been more inclined to risk it if he was alone, but with several of his allies here, along with a whole bunch of bystanders, he really couldn't bring himself to endanger them all.
Jade blinked a few times, already feeling a bit sluggish. Had the Hypnosis... rebounded? Wh--

She shook her head to clear it, stammering out, "Y-yeah, what Leaf said! We just wanna help, honest! We could go somewhere less public, and--"

She was already instinctively raising her arms in front of her face in case of imminent counterattack.
Oh, come on, now what was the invisible guy doing? Attacking? Did they not want to talk? Had they even heard?

She held her ground in front of the others, firing up another shield just in case that white flash was gonna hurt. "Please just show us what you want!" she insisted.
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The flash completed... and no attack came. Instead, it seemed like whatever was there... was gone.

Teleport. It had Teleported away. Of course it would...

But Mhynt's keen eye caught dust puffing off the ground a fair distance away. Nobody else seemed to see it from the crowd, so she swiftly walked in that direction. "It seems the bulletin board is off schedule," she remarked, glancing meaningfully at the others before heading in what seemed to be a random direction.
Well... at least it hadn't attacked them all like Corey had feared... but now it seemed the presence had vanished without a trace. Corey cursed under his breath, worried they'd lost their chance at learning more, but then he caught sight of Mhynt, supposedly wandering off to nowhere in particular, but he sensed a certain feeling of purpose... What purpose in particular? Well, there was one way to find out for sure... Without another word, he looked back at the the ponyta and the meowth before proceeding to follow after the Treecko.
Leaf took off after them, glancing over her shoulder for a few seconds as she did so. What were all of the other "guild" members doing after all that?
“Off-schedule?” Jade repeated blankly. Yeah, with how much of a fuss they’d caused, it was hardly any wonder they’d messed up the—oh. Mhynt was leading them somewhere?

…Well, it wasn’t as if they hadn’t tried to tell the board changer they were willing to meet up somewhere else. Unsure of what else to do, Jade jogged after Mhynt, away from the crossroads.
Perplexed confusion was all Leaf could discern from the crowd so far, and a few were looking at the board and piecing things together. It would only be a few minutes, tops, before they may put two and two together and realize what the quartet had disrupted...

There was a figure in the dust just behind a few rocks and desert brush. Their culprit... The person running the boards in secret all this time. Mhynt picked up the pace but then froze, rigid.

"What?" she whispered.

The culprit was gathering their bearings and picking up supplies. Bags upon bags of supplies and gold -- meant to pay for the board's hard work--was strewn in the dust after a botched Teleport. But the one gathering it all, drowsy and clumsy...

Was Mew.
A flurry of incoherent thoughts and feelings exploded in Jade’s mind. Mew? Here?? How—? It wasn’t the Mew she knew, of course it wasn’t, it couldn’t be, but still, Mew??

Her eyes fell on the scattered gold and papers, and her heart sank. All that hard work, and they’d just gotten in the way. All because, what, they couldn’t bear not knowing? Of all the garbage excuses…

“Ahh, I’m so sorry!” Jade blurted out, rushing to try to pick things up. “L-let me help you with that.”
Corey felt himself on the verge of passing out… He was quite literally in a daze upon witnessing this sight. Encounters with other Pokémon of myth and legend had recently transpired before him, yes, but this? This was the big one… The Pokémon that many still believed was the ancestral base for all that came after… a creature that few could firmly believe even existed in the first place… This was the New Species Pokemon… this was Mew…

“I… I-I…” he stammered, words failing him, his mind awhirl with excitement, terror and guilt all at once.

“…Are you… are you okay?” That was about as much as he could manage for now.
Aha! They'd found the mastermind at last! It was... but of course, it was... well to be perfectly frank with you it took Leaf a minute to recognize what it was. That was a mew, right? Damn. It did kinda look like the illustrations in the picture books and blurry photos passed around online, as much as anything looks like a blurry photo hastily passed around online, which was... well, it sure was pink! Excellent detective work, blurry photos, A+. Honestly, given how big Mewtwo was, she'd kind of expected Mew to be a little taller in person? Was it rude to say that? It was probably rude to say that.

"Sorry for scaring you," she said, levitating the scattered gold into the open satchels they were fussing over. "We really did just want to figure out what was going on—we're still not a hundred percent sure what we're looking for, so it could've been anything..."

She looked back at the gathered adventurers again, still just kinda generally bumbling around with no idea what had happened. Yet. "If you don't want them to know yet," she added, tossing her head back in the larger group's direction, "we could maybe distract them for you? Pretend we were chasing off a thief and ask them to come help look?"
Mhynt looked like she was about to suggest something similar to Leaf, but was beaten to the punch. Instead, she nodded in approval and glanced at Corey and Jade gawking.

"Hey!" called an adventurer about a hundred feet away. "Everything alright over there? What's going on?"

Mew stared nervously at Leaf, then at the others. He didn't say anything, and yet there was something about his expression that said, 'please hide me.'

It seemed Leaf had the right idea.
The shouts from behind and the Mew's subsequent expression seemed to be enough to snap Corey back into reality. No surprise the Mew, with its particular job especially, would want to remain hidden from the public eye... Now the question was... how to best go about it.

"...Okay... ah... Everyone don't look this way... at least not without shielding your eyes a bit." Corey said, turning away from the group and facing the direction the adventurer had called out from. Once again the ralts aimed at the ground, this time keeping in mind what the samurai trio had taught him as he once more channeled his psychokinetic energy downward to kick up as much dirt and debris as possible, kicking up the dust around to keep the surrounding area as clouded and hazy as possible.

"No one ought'a be able to see anything concrete for a while now!" Corey called out, though judging by the way he was clutching at his forehead, he probably wasn't going to be able to pull this off for long. Hopefully the others had plans of their own...
"If you want, you can turn invisible again, just in case," Leaf whispered to the mew before he disappeared behind the sand. "Then, once they're away from the board, you can put the stuff where it needs to go." She shook herself quickly, just so she'd look a little more frazzled, then turned back toward the crowd.

"Seriously? None of you saw that?" she snapped in the direction of the board. She dashed over to the group of adventurers, then quickly doubled back again, glaring at them when they didn't follow. "You're just gonna let whoever that was get away with trying to snatch your rewards right when they showed up? Didn't you see how they moved in the dust? They were trying to escape this way!" She moved down the path, a good ways past where Mew was hopefully well-hidden by now, and kicked her own spray of dust into the air, making a show of scowling at it when it didn't seem to reveal anything. "C'mon, pal, you were supposed to be watching the board, get over here and help me do something about it before they get further!" she added, shooting an angry look at the pokémon currently assigned to watch-duty.
This Pokemon was a Magmar who flinched with flames erupting on his body. "Hey, I didn't see a thing! This place was guarded well enough! The stock wasn't stolen, either, how was I supposed to guard the trade?!"

While the others put on the show, Mhynt swiftly helped with getting the supplies back into the large pouch that Mew had been holding. In no time, amid the uproar and the following performance, they were able to get everything back in order. Mew nodded at them, his gaze lingering on the four before he disappeared again. Just in time, the rest of the dust settled, and several adventurers had gone down the path Leaf had pointed out.

They covered for him. And now they knew the truth... Or, the first part of it.
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