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Search results

  1. Mr.RMA

    Frontier Town Founder's Square

    "You ah... y-you sure it's safe to just let someone like that guy run around and accuse people of foul play like that?" Corey couldn't help but pipe up, growingly concerned about that machoke's behavior. He'd seen folks like that before, some of them were ultimately harmless, but others? Well...
  2. Mr.RMA

    Frontier Town Founder's Square

    Ouch... Yeah, she was probably speaking the facts but still it did sting a bit to be compared to a newborn in power level... Corey could feel what little of his pride he may have had left shrivel up pretty quickly. Still, on the positive side of things, it didn't sound like they were at any risk...
  3. Mr.RMA

    Frontier Town Founder's Square

    "Not particularly recently... I'd have a few words otherwise," Corey muttered, at this point not even bothering to try and act surprised anymore by the staggered rate in which fellow 'heroes' were being dispersed, and sometimes at the most inconvenient of occasions. The others were trying their...
  4. Mr.RMA

    Frontier Town Founder's Square

    "...Bank vault?" Corey repeated. Oh, sure, he was aware that their arrival was unorthodox, but... what was this about a bank vault and scaring citzens? In a somewhat hushed voice he turned to speak to the others with clear concern. "Uh, fellas, did I miss something here?"
  5. Mr.RMA

    Frontier Town Founder's Square

    Oh, so he wasn't the only human, or rather, initial human, in the bunch, not by a long shot. That came as something of a relief to Corey, who was absolutely feeling completely out of his element still in this form. At least he now knew he wasn't the only one... though that talk from Felin...
  6. Mr.RMA

    Frontier Town Founder's Square

    What was this sudden crushing feeling of negativity he was feeling? Corey thought he was feeling what he could only assume was years of pain and sadness hitting him all at once... and it all seemed to be coming from Nova. What had he said that made the Type: Null so miserable? Corey tried to...
  7. Mr.RMA

    Frontier Town Founder's Square

    This Felin certainly had a flair for the dramatic, didn't she? Silver ranked solo delver? What did that even entail? Sounded like something out of an expeditioning enterprise... If only his trade had fancy ranks like that... "Corey Holdaway, Pokemon Researcher," he said with a faint wave...
  8. Mr.RMA

    Frontier Town Founder's Square

    "Type: Null is what they called his sort where I come from..." Corey muttered as he limped his way over to the group. He struggled to climb his way up onto one of the benches, feeling like a pathetic toddler as he eventually crawled up and slumped back against the seat. "They say your kind was...
  9. Mr.RMA

    Frontier Town Founder's Square

    The nexus gave way to darkness once more, or perhaps that was just Corey closing his eyes as he felt his surroundings beginning to change, and suspecting, on a hunch, some kind of sharp descent. If ever he wished he could've been wrong, this was certainly one of those times, but there was no...
  10. Mr.RMA

    Forlas Spirit Nexus

    "Aura reading and psychic empathy are separate phenomena, bud, you might not be as big of a fan of one compared to the other..." Corey called back in response. Couldn't help but have that Pokemon researcher mind come out at least one more time.
  11. Mr.RMA

    Forlas Spirit Nexus

    All these conflicting emotions, many of them negative... especially from that angry little rockruff who managed to even make the cloud entity sad for a moment there... which only made things even worse for Corey as he was picking up all of it thanks to his new form. "Okay, I was never a fan of...
  12. Mr.RMA

    Forlas Spirit Nexus

    "Alright, just gonna make something clear... I don't have a sister of any species, and for that matter, despite how you see me now, I'm a human where I come from... and so are you, and so is he," Corey gestured to Archie and Tarahn respectively. He looked plentifully confused himself for a...
  13. Mr.RMA

    Forlas Spirit Nexus

    Hiding behind someone else, trying to avoid getting caught... There was no doubt in Corey's mind that this was the same Tarahn that he knew, hidden behind this magical Pokemon facade... or at least, for a short moment that was the case. Before he could even try and interrogate the Toxel further...
  14. Mr.RMA

    Forlas Spirit Nexus

    Too many things going on at once in this realm of nonsense... So they were all a gathering of heroes then? Damn, if he could only remember word for word what that voice had said... but he was having enough trouble even remembering when he ever actually replied with a "yes" to it all... and of...
  15. Mr.RMA

    Forlas Spirit Nexus

    "A very harrowing thought... So we could've been on a number of these adventures and they all just flicker away afterwards? A shame, this sort of thing would be a boon to our knowledge of life and the world..." As he spoke, he began to notice everything seemed... bigger? Tough to completely...
  16. Mr.RMA

    Forlas Spirit Nexus

    "Oh, right... okay, uh, guess I missed that part..." How was anyone able to pay attention while they were in this surreal, ever-changing landscape? It was a miracle Corey could even comprehend what people were saying... and really, could one blame him for doubting this cloud-thing's assurances...
  17. Mr.RMA

    Forlas Spirit Nexus

    The vicious, crashing thunder and pattering rain had all but completely subseeded, and that strange, distant voice... it had become clearer, as that strange pattern of light he'd felt himself getting pulled into... to some metaphysical extent, had been replaced with some kind of cosmic void...
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