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Frontier Town Founder's Square

"You ah... y-you sure it's safe to just let someone like that guy run around and accuse people of foul play like that?" Corey couldn't help but pipe up, growingly concerned about that machoke's behavior. He'd seen folks like that before, some of them were ultimately harmless, but others? Well there was no telling what they'd do if they let their thoughts of paranoia win out over any sense of restraint they possessed.

"I mean I don't want to overstep, I know we're outsiders while he's a civilian, but..." but what? Damn if this ralts-like timidity wasn't ruining his communication skills...
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"Look, it's not our fault that whatever brought us here threw us into that vault!" Arctozolt said, eyes narrowing more than they already were. "Naylene and Decibel. If you're referring to both of us, call us Arctozolt."
"We can discuss how you might earn your keep in a less public setting, but yes, I will have you put up in the local boarding house for now.
"Even if it's temporary, we appreciate it," Nova said, hoping Arctozolt's introduction wasn't going to ruffle feathers. "I'm more than happy to earn my keep, so to speak."
Shiron wasn't even going to stop and wonder about the logistics of teleporting. That sounded too sciencey for him.

"Well, temporary accomodations should be fine. We just need some time to figure things out."
Felin's whiskers twitched and her pupils narrowed. Her tail hung at half mast, though her smile betrayed her sense of skepticism.

"Say, I have a question. Is there a reason why you're helping us?" she began to say, sitting upright on the bench. A tumbleweed bumbled along with the arid breeze. "I appreciate having a roof over my head as much as anyone else, but mon aren't that charitable to complete strangers."
"You ah... y-you sure it's safe to just let someone like that guy run around and accuse people of foul play like that? I mean I don't want to overstep, I know we're outsiders while he's a civilian, but..."

Lucien began to chuckle, then cut himself off. "Ah. You're serious. I do beg your pardon. How might I put this? Machoke Dayle is entitled to his outlandish notions, and I am of sound enough mind to judge for myself whether your... party... merits scrutiny. I don't know what society you come from, sir, but here we respect the rule of civilised law, and do not arrest local crackpots on a whim."

"Maybe we should, and then I wouldn't have to take visits from Cousin Ethel," quipped the Doc.

"Say, I have a question. Is there a reason why you're helping us? I appreciate having a roof over my head as much as anyone else, but mon aren't that charitable to complete strangers."

Lucien nodded, and clapped his wings together decisively. "Right, yes, the matter of giving you shelter. It will be on credit, not as a handout, and it will let me keep an eye on you, rather than fretting needlessly about what you might do to obtain it if turned away. Does that seem agreeable to you, Ms Felin?"
"Can't say I don't appreciate you being upfront. I don't speak for anyone but myself, but those terms are agreeable enough with me," Felin said brashly.

Her thoughts stewed with all the ways they could get swindled or scammed down the road, but Felin Boots could escape any clutches. Including legal bindings!

She shot the others around a glance. "And you all?"
"It's fine with me." Nova was glad, at least, some of the others were making themselves heard. He feared he'd too quickly tried to act as a leader-like voice. Something he definitely shouldn't be doing anymore. "Would love to get back into construction or something similar. 's like getting paid for strength and endurance training."
"Right, I figured it wouldn't be a handout... I guess that makes sense."

Shiron would just have to make it worth it, somehow. Granted, he was there to help in the first place. "Sounds fine to me. I don't have any issues with it."
Corey sighed at Lucien's response regarding this Dayle fellow. It wasn't like he was saying they should lock the guy up for his insane ramblings, but, at the very least was someone keeping an eye on the guy? For his safety as well as anyone else's... But then, perhaps he could've worded that better; communication was never his greatest strongsuit, even as a human. Well, no matter, best to just move on. They were all being offered room and board in exchange for... some kind of work, to be certain. Didn't seem so bad a deal, especially when they were all otherwise lacking any good alternatives.

"Well, ah, where I come from, you're certainly expected to earn your keep, so, that's... I mean... no complaints here..." he answered along with the others.
Laura suppressed an anxious laugh. "I don't have a lot of work experience or anything, but... Yeah. Thank you, I'll work for board if I can."

"Glad to hear it, all of you. Mr Nova – back into construction, you said?" Lucien pointed with a wing.

Elsewhere, scaffolds and pulley systems were signs of new construction.

"That can certainly be arranged, especially if you have professional experience. Expertise is harder to come by this far out in the Sohavenian frontier."

In the direction of the prinplup's gesture, a small figure in flight was rapidly approaching.

The Doc tapped her temple, and concentrated. "Ah. That'll be the ranger boy. Wattrel Nico, I think it was."

"Mm. Splendid."

It didn't sound like it really was splendid.
"Yessir." Damn it, too soldier-like. "Helped a lot with moving materials and heavy equipment. Installing foundations. Biggest pieces and all that." Which was technically true. It wasn't Nova's fault said buildings had less-than-noble purposes.

Besides, Lucien couldn't exactly talk to Nova's "reference."

He had no idea what to make of a ranger, though. A lower rank in this town watch... or some sort of independent organization?
"Hey." a voice called to the group from somewhere close by, spoken in a tone as flat and dry as the desert. The voice came specifically from down below, though it hadn't sounded to emerge from under the ground, either. The Pokémon in question was just awfully short; a Grubbin.

She didn't seem in much of a delighted mood. "So there's more of you here, as it seems."
Astrid was never great navigating towns, with all their twists and alleyways and whatnot. Fortunately, the square really wasn't that hard to find, with the nearest thoroughfare clearly leading to the beating heart of Frontier Town.

The first thing that caught her eye wasn't the Town Hall or that weird-looking chapel, but what looked to be the battered remains of... gallows? She wasn't sure what else used ropes that was necessary to put smack-dab in the middle of the road. Wood had been charred, busted up, and splintered every which way. She frowned, studying it closely, taking note of the river she'd passed earlier and how it accommodated Water Pokémon. Maybe this place is the good kind of progressive? Haha. Doubtful.

Astrid caught wind of the others and approached--and as she did, the flower fell out from between her ears and floated harmlessly to her feet.

"Ahh!" She scrambled to pick it up, doubling up the folding this time to make sure it stayed put. "Um, wow, aheh, I was naked there for a second. Couldn't have that, am I right my fellow civilized Pokémon?"
Felin's throat thrummed as she shot a smile at the new arrivals. Once again she rose on two feet and spread her arms wide.

"Aha, there they are! My dear comrades and colleagues!" Felin brought her paws to her hips and only grinned wider. She snapped her fingers at Eco and swung her arm aside and gave Astrid a bow in turn. Too bad she lacked a hat to tip. That would've completed the performance.

"Good to see you all again. Please, come sit. There's enough room on the bench for everymon!" The Sprigatito clearly had a thing for putting on a show.
"You're... certainly the enthusiastic sort. Don't trip." Eco told to Felin, squinting her eyes. She fought back a yawn and moved over to an unoccupied bench to lay for a moment. "Regardless, I'm V- er, Grubbin Eco, if you need a name."

She shuddered when she said 'Grubbin'. Eco was not looking forward to getting used to that.
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Oh good, so the others weren't all abruptly vaporized or dropped on the other side of the planet... so far... Still no accounting for the remainder, of which there was a healthy amount.

"Yes, ah, indeed you've managed to bring a lot of us together, unintentionally or otherwise," Corey quipped after Nova, shuffling his way to the edge of the bench as to avoid getting squished... not that the others likely to get on were all too big either, but, well, call it instinct.
Mhynt never cared for big crowds. The Treecko elected to lean against the wall of a nearby building, scoping out the crowd now that they were all in their diminished form. Obviously, she noted that most were missing. They must have been brought in somewhere nearby... in the ideal case.

She had a suspicious that this summoning by the cloud was even more haphazard than she realized. Perhaps she was one of the lucky ones. Or unlucky, since now she had to deal with... this.

In particular, she spotted Nova. If a glance came her way, she merely nodded in acknowledgment. So far, things were... decent.
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