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Search results

  1. Karousever

    Uh, yeah, for the most part.

    Uh, yeah, for the most part.
  2. Karousever

    I have :P

    I have :P
  3. Karousever

    The "Fwee" Thread

    Oh that's great! A few days ago I just started trying to learn one myself, and I'm enjoying myself greatly so far!
  4. Karousever

    The "Fwee" Thread

    Got my glasses, I can see!
  5. Karousever

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Been playing my second playthrough of Fire Emblem Awakening because my first one was Normal Casual, now I'm playing Hard Classic. Sure is a step up. Also I'm playing Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of Starry Skies again because I loved that game back when me and my friend got it when it first came out :D
  6. Karousever

    RIP Robin Williams

    I was also really sad to hear the news. It's hard to not love Robin Williams. I have Flubber and Aladdin on VHS, both of which I watched repeatedly when I was a child. And as I grew up he always was here and there in movies I enjoyed, Mrs. Doubtfire and Jumanji and even the silly movies that...
  7. Karousever

    The "Fwee" Thread

    Yeah, a friend of mine got the Humble Weekly Bundle and he already owned Turbo Dismount so yay :D
  8. Karousever

    The "Fwee" Thread

    I got a free copy of Turbo Dismount :D
  9. Karousever

    The "Fwee" Thread

    Okay so this was so cool! One of my cabinmates from Camp Nanowrimo offered to draw our characters for us on a livestream if we gave her a good description of our character. So I got to watch her draw my character and it was so cool and I love it :D Also here is her DeviantArt if you like her...
  10. Karousever

    The "Fwee" Thread

    She's doing better :)
  11. Karousever

    Donor for life...

    I think O- is only the third rarest, between an AB and a B. I think.
  12. Karousever

    Donor for life...

    I have O- blood, I'm as useful as they get, so once I'm an adult who can do things freely and whatnot I'd like to donate as often as possible :P
  13. Karousever

    Sure sure. I should be home Sunday, Monday at the latest :P

    Sure sure. I should be home Sunday, Monday at the latest :P
  14. Karousever

    The "Fwee" Thread

    This! I'm a day late but I'm on vacation and I have poor signal at the condo :P Anyway, it's just so fantastic that any girl would put up with me for eleven months, especially one as amazing as Hippy <3
  15. Karousever

    When I get home I have things to discuss with you about my story :P

    When I get home I have things to discuss with you about my story :P
  16. Karousever

    Rate The Video Game Song Above!

    9/10 Super upbeat, I like it! For River - To the Moon
  17. Karousever

    What Games Are You Playing?

    I played To the Moon last night. Absolutely amazing and spectacular story.
  18. Karousever

    Yet Another Association Game

  19. Karousever

    Lie About the Above Poster

    ^ Doesn't have a boyfriend.
  20. Karousever

    Yet Another Association Game

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