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Search results

  1. glitchedgamer

    Have you ever had a Pokémon that saved your E4 run?

    Re: Have you ever had a Pokémon that saved your E4 run? My trusty Umbreon defeated Lance's last three Pokemon in Crystal with only Bite and Sand Attack. That was the most nerve wracking battle I ever had.
  2. glitchedgamer

    RNG Abuse: Ethical?

    I think it sucks the fun out of the game, but I don't see anything unethical about it. I just think the people who use it miss the point of Pokemon.
  3. glitchedgamer

    Favorite Quotes

    "COMPLETE DESTRUCTION BY SHADOW FORCE!!!!!!" - Announcer from Battle Revolution
  4. glitchedgamer

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    Obligatory sexy picture. I always liked Cloyster, but I'm sad the Skill Link/Icicle Spike combo has dragged him into the dark depths of competitive battling.
  5. glitchedgamer

    The "Fwee" Thread

    My first day of work went great yesterday, and I'm actually excited to go back today. Tips are the best things in the world.
  6. glitchedgamer

    Upcoming Video Games that you Want

    Assassin's Creed III, Retro City Rampage, and ZombiU have my eye at the moment.
  7. glitchedgamer

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    Wait, Groudon is less dense than salt water? What is this I don't even.
  8. glitchedgamer

    Creepy Pokemon Shit

    I thought Lost Silver was made in Game Maker, not as a ROM hack.
  9. glitchedgamer

    Any "My Immortal" fans?

    I laughed. I cried. The meaning of life literally revealed itself to me right before my eyes. This masterwork must be shared! 500th post, woo.
  10. glitchedgamer

    Any "My Immortal" fans?

    I think it's all here http://myimmortalrehost2.webs.com/ Also, you are not the only one to scream that line at people.
  11. glitchedgamer

    Any "My Immortal" fans?

    I fucking love My Immortal. My girlfriend and I read it together our first summer together and we have been quoting it ever since. We also now have a mutual love of horrid fanfiction. The sex scenes are the best thing I have ever read.
  12. glitchedgamer


    That I can't agree with. I'm against changing such a core concept of the series.
  13. glitchedgamer


    I always forget they added that. I suppose that could be an option. Still, 5 regions is a LOT of experience no matter what.
  14. glitchedgamer

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    The concept of Unown is really cool, but as an actual Pokemon the things are kind of useless. I remember catching one for the first time in Gold thinking it was a rare, powerful Pokemon and being crushingly disappointed.
  15. glitchedgamer


    I'm sure every Pokemon fan has dreamed of this. The problem? Pokemon only grow to Lv. 100. By the time you get to the 3rd region (G/S proved two regions can work nicely with the sacrifice of a deeper story), your team will be a powerhouse, causing every other trainer in the game to have strong...
  16. glitchedgamer

    Rate the song above you

    8/10 Very calm and chilling while having a bite at the same time; I approve. I gave you your 8 so please don't kill me. Everything's Asleep - Frank Schimski Who's up for some nice, relaxing ambient tunes?
  17. glitchedgamer

    Creepy Pokemon Shit

    Watch the double posting, please. Pokemon creepypasta is always the most unsettling for me, but I think the subject matter makes for the best stories. The Pokemon Black Version creepy pasta (Or was it Ghostly Black?) is my favorite one.
  18. glitchedgamer

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    Oh man, the memories. In Gold, I remember always catching Level 40 Chinchou in Olivine Bay with the Super Rod. Level it up and you have a Level 41 Laturn that knows Hydro Pump (I used to think Hydro Pump was the baddest of the badass moves).
  19. glitchedgamer

    Rate The Video Game Song Above!

    8/10 Classic. Main Theme - River City Ransom
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