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Search results

  1. glitchedgamer

    Stupid Pokémon Pun Memes

    Re: Stupid Pokémon Pun Memes Hay guise! Did you hear about this thing called Pokemon Pun memes? It's from this great new site called 4chan! slowpoke
  2. glitchedgamer

    Do you want a boy or a girl?

    IF you eventually have children, would you prefer a girl or a boy? This is of course considering you only have one child. Me, I'd prefer a daughter. Why? I'm not too sure...I just do. I'll be happy with whatever gender my sperm chooses for me XD.
  3. glitchedgamer

    Recommended Genesis Games?

    I forgot Dynamite Heady!!! I need to look for that when I pick up Bloodlines tomorrow. Shining Force is also a must, even if I already have it on VC. Thanks guys. Keep em coming!
  4. glitchedgamer

    Recommended Genesis Games?

    So after waiting for my AV cable to come in the mail, I am now the proud owner of a Sega Genesis/Mega Drive. So far, my only games are Sonic 2 (duh), Mortal Kombat II, and Altered Beast. Here are the games I plan on getting next: -Castlevania: Bloodlines -Earthworm Jim -Gunstar Heroes -Sonic 1...
  5. glitchedgamer

    The HeartGold/SoulSilver Status Thread

    I say go for Misdreavus. I really only say that because I love Mismagius :sweatdrop:
  6. glitchedgamer

    Best Sprites?

    HG/SS's look nice, but some look very awkward. I have to say it's between the 1st and 2nd Gen for me. 1st because they were so funny, and 2nd for looking the best. My all time favorite sprite is Houndoom in Gold.
  7. glitchedgamer

    The HeartGold/SoulSilver Status Thread

    Just saw the Legendary Beasts flee the Burned Tower. Had a nice, long, drawn out battle with Whitney's Miltank (as usual), and those two bitches outside Ecruteak with Wigglytuff and Clefables gave me a 15 min battle >.> [Sinclair] Quilava (M) Lv. 18 [Medusa] Dunsparce (F) Lv. 18 [Tesla] Flaaffy...
  8. glitchedgamer

    glitchedgamer vs. Metallica Fanboy

    It was. I just don't have as much time as I used to to come here. Congratulations, MF.
  9. glitchedgamer

    Are you a virgin?

    Yep, I'm a carrier of the V-Card. Although it doesn't bug me much, my hormones are apparently pissed off about it.
  10. glitchedgamer

    The "Fwee" Thread

    I asked a girl out for the first time today...AND SHE SAID YES!!! =D Also, HG/SS are out in less than a week! Life is fucking awesome.
  11. glitchedgamer


    I love the crunch of heavily distorted guitars, and rap and hip-hop don't exactly fit into that category, so I don't listen to it at all. Today's gangsta, mainstream shit is an insult to humanity, but I hear the old school stuff (as with all old school things) is awesome. It's just not music I...
  12. glitchedgamer

    Your parents' opinion on Pokémon?

    Re: Your parents' opinion on Pokémon? I play a lot a video games, and Pokemon happens to be one of them. That's how they see it.
  13. glitchedgamer

    Going to heaven? Atheists'll take care of your pets!

  14. glitchedgamer

    R/S/E Is cloning in Emerald cheating?

    Well, due to my bias towards glitches, I have to say no. You aren't using any outside programs or anything similar to clone your Pokemon. You are just using what the game is giving you, even if it was unintentional. I personally have no quarrel with cloning, AS LONG AS YOUR CLONES STAY OFF WIFI...
  15. glitchedgamer

    So true.

    So true.
  16. glitchedgamer

    Ooo that's a good one.

    Ooo that's a good one.
  17. glitchedgamer

    You just got a little more awesome in my book. I only like a few of their songs, too. I'm...

    You just got a little more awesome in my book. I only like a few of their songs, too. I'm mostly going to see the special guests: Testament and Exodus XD
  18. glitchedgamer


    A JOCK??? BACK YOU VILE CREATURE! All joking aside, welcome. Oh, and I can shoot you a few times to see if you have any of Superman's powers.
  19. glitchedgamer

    First Gen 5 Silhouette

    More Dark types. Do want.
  20. glitchedgamer

    What's your fav crime organization? (I made a mistake on the previous thread. Sorry.

    Kanto-era Team Rocket. They were fucking bad ass back then. Smuggling, killing Pokemon, taking hostages, taking over the center of Kanto's economy...now THAT'S what I call a criminal organization. Unfortunately, they lost some of their awesomeness after Giovanni left. Magma and Aqua were okay...
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