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Search results

  1. glitchedgamer

    You're a Deth fan?

    You're a Deth fan?
  2. glitchedgamer

    The "Fwee" Thread

    Can you send some of it to my part of New York? May be going to see Megadeth, Testament, and Exodus in concert in about a month. CAN'T WAIT.
  3. glitchedgamer

    Music Videos

    I don't really watch videos, but I guess my top ones would be Kreator's "Enemy of God" and Metallica's "One" and "The Day That Never Comes". Most metal videos honestly suck, so I don't really know any other good ones.
  4. glitchedgamer

    First Gen 5 Silhouette

    First thought: Holy shit, it's Sonic. Second thought: Looks like a final stage evo of a starter. Third thought: I wanna say either a Mightyena, Zangoose, or Sandslash evo. Most likely it'll probably be from a completely new evolution family though.
  5. glitchedgamer

    What are you reading?

    I downloaded the "Classics" app for my iPod since it's free again, so now I have a good number of classic novels to sink my teeth into. I'm reading Bram Stoker's Dracula now, plan on reading The Count of Monte Cristo next, and then finally Frankenstein to get my horror fix. May re-read Homer's...
  6. glitchedgamer

    Slender Man: The Thing That Scared Something Awful And CAD Forums

    If Mr. Fantastic joined the Men in Black, I think we'd get something similar to Slender Man...That dude creeps me out. But he is SOOOO awesome.
  7. glitchedgamer

    This Nintendo fanboy got an Xbox 360... (game recommendations please)

    A 360? I'm very sorry. Call of Duty, Assassin's Creed 1 and 2, Left 4 Dead, Halo (ewwww....), and Devil May Cry 4 (they only GOOD Xbox exclusive...) are all I can think of. See if you can trade it for either a Wii or PS3 on Craig's List XD
  8. glitchedgamer

    glitchedgamer vs. Metallica Fanboy

    *runs in* ...One hour left. Sorry about that. Ok, where were we....oh yeah, that dinosaur. Ugh. Ok Medusa, I can see you are pretty vexed. Use Frustration and let off some steam. It won't be very effective, but at least it will clear your head. Then, use Double Team and try to confuse him...
  9. glitchedgamer

    USA will disintegrate in June

    So I guess I'm a future citizen of the EU. Put on some tea for me.
  10. glitchedgamer

    Judas Priest, AC/DC win first Grammys

    Ugh, the Grammys were suckish this year. Seeing Metalllica in the Hard Rock category, along with the likes of Linkin Park and Nickelback, is like a punch in the balls for me. As much as I love Priest, I don't think they should have won. That song is over 30 years old...Oh well. At least Lamb of...
  11. glitchedgamer

    Where do you eat? How often?

    My parent's are at work for most of the evening during the week, so I sustain myself with whatever I can salvage from the kitchen. I've been eating that Easy Mac stuff a lot lately... On Friday my mom usually brings home some fast food, hopefully Taco Bell. Weekends are just sporadic.
  12. glitchedgamer


    My January was a steaming pile of shit. I'm gonna make February a steaming pile of cookies!
  13. glitchedgamer

    Possible Gen V. game?

    Later this year? I don't know...still seems a little early for Gen V. Maybe it's that MMO I want oh so bad for Wii (yeah right). If it is the fifth generation, then it shouldn't be too long until we get some new Pokemon to be revealed.
  14. glitchedgamer

    The "Fwee" Thread

    This MLIA just made my day: "I was sitting in the Doctor's office waiting for my turn to go in while playing Pokemon Platinum. I was in the underground area just fooling around, and another person entered. I proceeded to lay dozens of traps as we played capture the flag, getting him almost...
  15. glitchedgamer

    Freakish Sea Slug

    Next time someone asks what animal I would want to be, I am soooo gonna say Elysia chlorotica.
  16. glitchedgamer

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Dragon Warrior on NES. I picked up the complete game, original box and all, yesterday, and I'm amazed at how much crap comes with it. A strategy guide, tons of reference material, and two posters (A Dragon Warrior one and an old NES one). It's like someone shoved GameFaqs into the box. And it...
  17. glitchedgamer

    Really? It took 3 minutes in Photoshop XD

    Really? It took 3 minutes in Photoshop XD
  18. glitchedgamer

    I think I'll keep this one for a while lol.

    I think I'll keep this one for a while lol.
  19. glitchedgamer

    Lol, same here. I was starting to get bored.

    Lol, same here. I was starting to get bored.
  20. glitchedgamer


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