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Judas Priest, AC/DC win first Grammys

ac/dc suck

priest are okay but grammies for this shit? nah

win a grammy for painkiller
ac/dc suck

priest are okay but grammies for this shit? nah

win a grammy for painkiller
Eh. Priest is good and so is AC/DC, but.....I don't think either of them should have won. They haven't been so great lately or anything. I would have picked someone else but hey. 'least it's not Def Leppard.
Ugh, the Grammys were suckish this year. Seeing Metalllica in the Hard Rock category, along with the likes of Linkin Park and Nickelback, is like a punch in the balls for me. As much as I love Priest, I don't think they should have won. That song is over 30 years old...Oh well. At least Lamb of God didn't win.
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