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Search results

  1. scolipede

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    I love cofagrigus! I think it's totally adorable, ah! Not much else to say about it, though. I don't really use it, but my brother caught a shiny one that he uses, and my boyfriend also uses it, so I guess it's a pretty good pokemon judging by that alone. (Also my boyfriend called his...
  2. scolipede

    Daily Pokemon Discussions

    My brother and I got a real kick of gurdurr if not only because we ended up calling it GURRDURRHURR for months. Apart from that there's not that much to say about it. It has a really dumb design and I haven't used it because I prefer Sawk or Scrafty. That being said, not fond of clowns to begin...
  3. scolipede

    Let's boogie

    I suppose that would make one protected from the inevitable barrage of tilapia that awaits all adventurers. Fair enough! Scones seem to be the mightiest weapons. These will come in handy. Also Scone-giver/Hetalia fan/ Frost dragon seems like a pretty good economy package there. What clever...
  4. scolipede

    Let's boogie

    Don't you know, everyone in Canada rides a scolipede. It's the only known brand of socially acceptible transport, afterall! It sure is nice to see that I won't be completely unarmed in my adventures! Not quite sure how the platter of cod will help, though, but the tea is sure to come in handy...
  5. scolipede

    Let's boogie

    oh look a dumb boy on the internet joined a forum about cartoon monsters. Whuh-oh, watch out for the sheer wackiness that's about to occur. Seriously though, hi everybody. I hope we can be bestest pals and have tons of fun adventures (or, as I call them FUNVENTURES) together! I like drawing...
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