• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Let's boogie


Get Scolipede'd
oh look a dumb boy on the internet joined a forum about cartoon monsters. Whuh-oh, watch out for the sheer wackiness that's about to occur.

Seriously though, hi everybody. I hope we can be bestest pals and have tons of fun adventures (or, as I call them FUNVENTURES) together!

I like drawing, video games and sometimes combining the two and making awful fanart. I like drawing stuff for people because it makes me feel like I didn't waste two years of art school only to change to a completely unrelated degree! YAAAAAY!

This awkward introductory post has been brought to you by scolipede, who is the best pokemon.
Welcome to the cave, scolipede!
You'll need some stuff to continue... Here's your complimentary platter of tea and cod. Also, take this foam sword. Enjoy my (formerly LuckyLapras's) array of psychedelic colors. If you need any help, feel free to PM or VM anyone.

Also, art! You might want to check out the Entertainment section (video games) or Artwork section (art.)
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Oh hey! You seem pretty cool! Scolipede, video games, and art are obviously the best things ever, so yeah, impeccable tastes you have there! Besides ones involving wacky cartoon monsters, what other video games do you play?

Also would you have links by chance to some of your art? I'd be super interested in seeing some of your stuff!
Scolipede is amazing. Do you ever ride one?

Don't you know, everyone in Canada rides a scolipede. It's the only known brand of socially acceptible transport, afterall!

Welcome to the cave, scolipede!
You'll need some stuff to continue... Here's your complimentary platter of tea and cod. Also, take this foam sword. Enjoy my (formerly LuckyLapras's) array of psychedelic colors.

It sure is nice to see that I won't be completely unarmed in my adventures! Not quite sure how the platter of cod will help, though, but the tea is sure to come in handy!

Oh hey! You seem pretty cool! Scolipede, video games, and art are obviously the best things ever, so yeah, impeccable tastes you have there! Besides ones involving wacky cartoon monsters, what other video games do you play?

Also would you have links by chance to some of your art? I'd be super interested in seeing some of your stuff!

I do have a stupidly out of date art portfolio here: http://kayleportfolio.tumblr.com/
Slightly NSFW for one case of artistic (though not at all rude) nudity.

As for games other than pokemon, I do love Legend of Zelda, Portal, Left 4 Dead 2, Kirby and other silly games. My boyfriend keeps trying to get me to play Fire Emblem but I still think it's too confusing that the halebardiers don't use halebards at all!

Thanks for all your warm welcomes, I hope that I will have a very enjoyable stay here! :D

(also, premtive apology for the overabundance of exclamation points in this post. I suppose I'm just perpetually over enthusiastic about things.)
It sure is nice to see that I won't be completely unarmed in my adventures! Not quite sure how the platter of cod will help, though, but the tea is sure to come in handy!
I do have a stupidly out of date art portfolio here: http://kayleportfolio.tumblr.com/
Slightly NSFW for one case of artistic (though not at all rude) nudity.

are you kidding that artwork is awesome!

Anyway, the platter of cod can be used as a shield-- cod is remarkably resistant to attack, fire breath, and also other fish.
Hi! Welcome to the cave! Seeing as I'm in no state to offer you the psychedelic colors, I am going to, er... you know... just join TCoD's Welcome Mats and VM is not a Violent Message. Gotta dash.
Have some scones. They're pretty hard, so they double as weapons. And they taste good with jam.
I'm Frostagin, the local Hetalia freak/scone giver/frost dragon. ALL IN ONE.
Asjhdshmkljska! I love your stuff! Your lines are super flow-y and I love your color choices; they're like bright neon-y colors except toned down, which makes them super cool! There's probably a word for that, but I can't think of it. I'm also liking what looks to be the start of a comic! Really awesome backgrounds and lovely trees! Asjksaka, art is the best! The absolute best!

Oh! Definitely some amazing series there, too! I'm kind of excited to see how Kirby's 20th anniversary will be celebrated, looking at how ahh-mazing Legend of Zelda's 25th was.

(Haha, no worries about exclamation abuse. They're so happy looking and make posts so much more exciting and silly!)
Anyway, the platter of cod can be used as a shield-- cod is remarkably resistant to attack, fire breath, and also other fish.

I suppose that would make one protected from the inevitable barrage of tilapia that awaits all adventurers. Fair enough!

Have some scones. They're pretty hard, so they double as weapons. And they taste good with jam.
I'm Frostagin, the local Hetalia freak/scone giver/frost dragon. ALL IN ONE.

Scones seem to be the mightiest weapons. These will come in handy. Also Scone-giver/Hetalia fan/ Frost dragon seems like a pretty good economy package there. What clever marketing! I'LL TAKE 20!

Asjhdshmkljska! I love your stuff! Your lines are super flow-y and I love your color choices; they're like bright neon-y colors except toned down, which makes them super cool! There's probably a word for that, but I can't think of it. I'm also liking what looks to be the start of a comic! Really awesome backgrounds and lovely trees! Asjksaka, art is the best! The absolute best!

Oh! Definitely some amazing series there, too! I'm kind of excited to see how Kirby's 20th anniversary will be celebrated, looking at how ahh-mazing Legend of Zelda's 25th was.

(Haha, no worries about exclamation abuse. They're so happy looking and make posts so much more exciting and silly!)

Thank you very much! I'm glad you appreciate it, ha ha! :D

I am totally hyped for Kirby's 20th anniversary. I just know I'm going to pester everyone I know because ASDAD KIRBY IS THE CUTEST THING! I can't wait to see what Nintendo comes out with because I'm sure it's going to be totally adorable!
Scones seem to be the mightiest weapons. These will come in handy. Also Scone-giver/Hetalia fan/ Frost dragon seems like a pretty good economy package there. What clever marketing! I'LL TAKE 20!

Yes. They're very good for throwing at annoying people. Especially Frenchmen, they seem to faint from the bad cooking. :3

I am for hire though~ :3
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