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Search results

  1. Pikachu

    What are you watching?

    *bump* Been going through The Office (American version). Can't believe I've waited this long to finally watch it. It's fantastic! (Currently on season 7!) I finished the first season, it is so good! Can't wait for season 2.
  2. Pikachu

    Thank you :)

    Thank you :)
  3. Pikachu

    Calculus II

    Wow, I'm planning to take Calculus II as well, I think, at a community college. The AP Calculus exam was all right, I suppose. Dunno if I did well though xD
  4. Pikachu


    I'm fluent in English and I speak and read Arabic rather well (writing needs a bit of practice). As for French, my writing skills are all right. When it comes to reading, I can read rather well but I wouldn't understand any of it. Speaking is just a disaster.
  5. Pikachu

    Eye Color

    My eyes were originally brown, but as I grew older, they grew lighter and became the hazel color they are now.
  6. Pikachu

    Ground Zero Mosque

    Blah blah blah. No Muslim in the right mind considers the terrorists to have been Muslim (I don't). The terrorists can claim that their practice of extremism is Islam, but from an actual Muslim's point of view, what they did (and what they're doing now) does not follow any of the Islamic laws...
  7. Pikachu

    15 hours? You must have been super tired.

    15 hours? You must have been super tired.
  8. Pikachu

    Haha, I don't usually use an alarm for school, since my dad is kind enough to wake me up :) 4pm...

    Haha, I don't usually use an alarm for school, since my dad is kind enough to wake me up :) 4pm? The longest I've slept in is 12 xD
  9. Pikachu

    Haha, I would be lost without an alarm xD

    Haha, I would be lost without an alarm xD
  10. Pikachu

    Haha, so stuff yourself until before sunrise, and don't eat or drink anything until after...

    Haha, so stuff yourself until before sunrise, and don't eat or drink anything until after sunset! :D I hope you can keep Bobo :)
  11. Pikachu

    Haha, you should try it. Even if you don't last. It's a good experience :D Awwwh, why not? :/

    Haha, you should try it. Even if you don't last. It's a good experience :D Awwwh, why not? :/
  12. Pikachu

    Haha, thanks. But Ramadan doesn't start for me officially until tomorrow :D but I'm fasting...

    Haha, thanks. But Ramadan doesn't start for me officially until tomorrow :D but I'm fasting today anyways xD How about you?
  13. Pikachu

    I hope he finds his owners. if he doesn't have any, I hope you get to keep him :D

    I hope he finds his owners. if he doesn't have any, I hope you get to keep him :D
  14. Pikachu

    "meow" xD What kinda powder? :)

    "meow" xD What kinda powder? :)
  15. Pikachu

    Haha :D I was "talking" to a spayed cat, and told him that he could always adopt xD

    Haha :D I was "talking" to a spayed cat, and told him that he could always adopt xD
  16. Pikachu

    Haha, it's okay :D Ohh, nice. Speaking of kittens, I was at my friend's today, and I saw his...

    Haha, it's okay :D Ohh, nice. Speaking of kittens, I was at my friend's today, and I saw his kittens. Something about kittens in general melts the heart of any person.
  17. Pikachu

    Hmmm...for some reason, I can't see it. Oh well. Well, if you named him already, you have to...

    Hmmm...for some reason, I can't see it. Oh well. Well, if you named him already, you have to keep it! :D
  18. Pikachu

    Ohh, haha. I don't like coloring things either xD That's pretty awesome. What color is the...

    Ohh, haha. I don't like coloring things either xD That's pretty awesome. What color is the kitten? :D
  19. Pikachu

    Random, much? xD

    Random, much? xD
  20. Pikachu


    I give you props. And I'm actually happy that I'm not the only one fasting on TCoDf (it's obligatory for me, since I'm a practicing Muslim.) I would like to point out that you're not allowed to drink anything, even water. Another thing I would like to mention is that, since the beginning and end...
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