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Search results

  1. Inept At Normal

    Speaking of which, did you know that it's Shuppet Month?

    Speaking of which, did you know that it's Shuppet Month?
  2. Inept At Normal

    Purpose of Living?

    Oh, my. Read the top of this page.
  3. Inept At Normal

    Cool! We're both humans and we're both friends! With each other no less! My, we have so much in...

    Cool! We're both humans and we're both friends! With each other no less! My, we have so much in common that I'd bet we both even have computers, too.
  4. Inept At Normal

    Woah, no way! Me too!

    Woah, no way! Me too!
  5. Inept At Normal

    Purpose of Living?

    The purpose of my life is to do everything, see everything, and then tell some damn awesome stories. (Why? Damn awesome stories are damn awesome, that's why.) But in all seriousness, that's why I think everyone should make a bucket list. It's gives your life a lot more focus.
  6. Inept At Normal

    Ethical Systems?

    Considering we're all pretty much atheists, how do you respond to the fundamentalist's 'hurrr you have no moral compass'? Me, personally? Rule utilitarianism.
  7. Inept At Normal

    Hi! It's nice to meet you. You can call me Inept! So, tell me a little about yourself.

    Hi! It's nice to meet you. You can call me Inept! So, tell me a little about yourself.
  8. Inept At Normal

    The Challenge Board

    I'll take you on, m'good sir. But wherever will we get a ref?
  9. Inept At Normal

    Heh, well good then. Nevermind.

    Heh, well good then. Nevermind.
  10. Inept At Normal

    Hey, there's no hard feelings between us right? I know we disagree on some things, but I'd hate...

    Hey, there's no hard feelings between us right? I know we disagree on some things, but I'd hate for us to dislike each other over them.
  11. Inept At Normal

    It's true! They're fascinating. What do you like?

    It's true! They're fascinating. What do you like?
  12. Inept At Normal

    Is the Bible a quality book? (Fiction or not)

    Well, of course it isn't great to analyze academicly or anything, but seriously, millions and millions of people read it, for fun. It can't be complete crap, even if it isn't Romeo and Juliet or Sense and Sensebility. Uh, no. It's rude to make unfounded acussiations like this. I wanted to...
  13. Inept At Normal

    Is the Bible a quality book? (Fiction or not)

    Well, it's certainly not Harry Potter. But if you can get past the old (old!) English, doesn't it tell powerful emotional stories? If you just use a bit of imagination, doesn't it seem sort of interesting? Of course, everyone's opinion is different, but I think it has some pretty cool to read...
  14. Inept At Normal

    OK. Your avatar is endearing to the n-th power. I wish to hug it. But the screen keeps getting...

    OK. Your avatar is endearing to the n-th power. I wish to hug it. But the screen keeps getting in the way. WHY SCREEN, WHY? >:-(
  15. Inept At Normal

    Newt? I love newts! <3 Once I was on this hiking trail with a bunch of waterfalls and I was at...

    Newt? I love newts! <3 Once I was on this hiking trail with a bunch of waterfalls and I was at the bottom of one with a friend. We saw a little orange thing swimming around and were like "Aah!" and tried to get it. I fell into the pool of water - clothes, hiking boots, and all - but never got...
  16. Inept At Normal

    Is the Bible a quality book? (Fiction or not)

    I'm guessing a lot of you are going to come in here with a 'it's a poorly written slash fic with two dimensional characters', but hey. Grant it a little thought. I would probably ordanarily say no, but I was packing up my Narnia books (oh, nostagia!) while listening to Rufus Wainwright's...
  17. Inept At Normal

    (Probably) Need Help with Javascript

    Wow, thanks a lot! You coding types amaze me. Anyway, this will be very very helpful. Thank you so much!
  18. Inept At Normal

    (Probably) Need Help with Javascript

    Oh, no no no. I don't think you understood what I was saying. (Because I'm terrible at explaining things! Admit it.) This blog is a personal site of mine. Dad's afraid that all of you seventy-two year old stalkers are going to read it and some how deduce where I live. Thus, to give him some...
  19. Inept At Normal

    Well, I'm minorly annoyed. I got a C on a Geometry quiz today, even though I got all the answers...

    Well, I'm minorly annoyed. I got a C on a Geometry quiz today, even though I got all the answers right, because I didn't explain how the tranversals were congruent (even though she said perfectly clearly that she knew that I knew what I was doing because I described so well otherwise). I guess I...
  20. Inept At Normal

    Woah! I love your name. I saw a mink in Canada when I was visiting last summer. It was really...

    Woah! I love your name. I saw a mink in Canada when I was visiting last summer. It was really adorable and kept jumping in an out of the river. First I thought it was a tiny otter, but then I looked up in my wildlife book and it was most certainly a mink. So, basicly? I'm going to think of it...
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