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Search results

  1. Koori Renchuu

    The QUILTBAG Club (formerly the LGBT club)

    LGBT people have a hard time being out and keeping a job in most states, how are their rights in this sphere not an economic issue?
  2. Koori Renchuu

    The QUILTBAG Club (formerly the LGBT club)

    Hey QUILTBAG, check this out!
  3. Koori Renchuu

    And yet I've got a deck pretty much based around Mayael's Aria and it would KICK THAT DECK'S...

    And yet I've got a deck pretty much based around Mayael's Aria and it would KICK THAT DECK'S ASS... if I ever got around to fixing it with better cards for the combo.
  4. Koori Renchuu

    Add a few Essence wardens and she's INSANE! Not to mention Dawnglow Infusions.

    Add a few Essence wardens and she's INSANE! Not to mention Dawnglow Infusions.
  5. Koori Renchuu

    Reminds me of the Zendikar booster box that I bought that had two Nissa Revane cards in it...

    Reminds me of the Zendikar booster box that I bought that had two Nissa Revane cards in it, along with a pair of a different mythic rare.
  6. Koori Renchuu

    I've got over 3000. You are not alone.

    I've got over 3000. You are not alone.
  7. Koori Renchuu

    Well well well, you've been a busy little Planeswalker!

    Well well well, you've been a busy little Planeswalker!
  8. Koori Renchuu


    I deal with sharp stabbing pain rather poorly, but any dull throbbing pain is nothing to me.
  9. Koori Renchuu

    What national holiday is on your birthday?

    National Workaholics day, that is so antithetical to my personality that it hurts.
  10. Koori Renchuu

    Rate The Video Game Song Above!

    9/10 Very well done and in the style it should be. Glorious layering of every instrument makes it even more powerful. Ricordando il Passato- Umineko no Naku koro ni Lyrics included!
  11. Koori Renchuu


    I killed a Dragur Death Lord with nothing but sneak attack arrows. I had to run away SOOO much.
  12. Koori Renchuu

    Rate The Video Game Song Above!

    9/10 Relatively mellow whilst giving a frenetic tension to the atmosphere. Pretty nice all around. I present to you the REMIYAX! one of Fate/Stay Night's best pieces in all of its glorious forms.
  13. Koori Renchuu

    Famous Video Game Enemies and How to Defeat Them

  14. Koori Renchuu

    How many nipples, fingers, and toes do you have?

    WHAT THE HELL? I have twenty two as the sum of these parts, all are the standard equipment.
  15. Koori Renchuu

    Rate The Video Game Song Above!

    7/10 Relatively good, but not MY thing. Occultics witch from Umineko no Naku koro ni.
  16. Koori Renchuu

    Gay people should die

    I do believe I signed this, I've known about this since forever ago.
  17. Koori Renchuu

    The Black Butler fan club!

    Look at my avvie! What do you think?
  18. Koori Renchuu


    Fair enough, how about the term 'extremist' for those on both sides who cannot accept the other side?
  19. Koori Renchuu


    I was trying to get at this point, but did not have the ability to remain coherent in the way I write. This is the gist of what I think has happened in the feminist movement. The 'original' flavor of feminism was about equality for all. However, the more radical elements took over and forced...
  20. Koori Renchuu


    I am not disputing the overall good that the feminist movement has done for the world. I am only trying to prove that the masculist movement is an equally necessary movement. I feel that masculism is a tempering force to feminism, not an opposing force. There are, after all, a multitude of...
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