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Search results

  1. Koori Renchuu

    What do you think of the above poster?

    Odd, yet refreshing! That's my surface impression at least.
  2. Koori Renchuu


    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LOyRpC6LdTo AWESOME!
  3. Koori Renchuu

    [MATURE] Fetishes?

    I officially have a Sailor fuku fetish!
  4. Koori Renchuu

    http://www.dragonflycave.com/forums/showthread.php?t=5090 This thread has a similar idea as a...

    http://www.dragonflycave.com/forums/showthread.php?t=5090 This thread has a similar idea as a story arc in megatokyo.
  5. Koori Renchuu

    Do you read Megatokyo by chance?

    Do you read Megatokyo by chance?
  6. Koori Renchuu


    http://www.baka-tsuki.net/project/index.php?title=Suzumiya_Haruhi Jack, this is your link!
  7. Koori Renchuu

    The "Fwee" Thread

    I'm going to have a Darkrai by the end of the day! It's from Pokemon Ranger 2! Manaphy too!
  8. Koori Renchuu

    The Clue Game

  9. Koori Renchuu

    A startling revelation

    I'm gay for myself!
  10. Koori Renchuu

    Sum yourself up in 3 words.

    WHo am I? or Indecisive homo sapiens or Capricious and intellegent or Needs more love
  11. Koori Renchuu


    http://www.zeitgeistmovie.com/ Watch the movies then start debating.
  12. Koori Renchuu

    You laugh you lose (aka POST ALL FUNNY STUFF HERE)

  13. Koori Renchuu

    Scenario: You are offered $50,000 or the equivalent if...

    I could do this in my sleep, as long as I can have video games.
  14. Koori Renchuu

    What's your favorite anime currently ?

    You've been with the Guardians for too long, haven't you? I hang with Nikaidou-sensei and Sanjou-san. They make such a cute couple, or should I say made? I play both sides of the action! Oh and Nagihiko was a big Bridget they dropped on us, wasn't it?
  15. Koori Renchuu

    Are you a virgin?

    You are talking on a Pokemon forum. Take that into account. My cherry is still intact. I plan on keeping it that way for now!
  16. Koori Renchuu

    I got ninja'd by a PRINCE?

    I got ninja'd by a PRINCE?
  17. Koori Renchuu

    Hey Flora, you like my new avatar?

    Hey Flora, you like my new avatar?
  18. Koori Renchuu

    The "Fwee" Thread

  19. Koori Renchuu


    ANY STINGING INSECT THAT CAN FLY! This started when I was two, I got stung by TWENTY bees. I think I'm justified in my fear!
  20. Koori Renchuu

    Fractal Freak Frenzy

    You need to get a better computer then~ And for the majority of the fractals, I just used the random generations it gives at the start.
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