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Another couple of fears:

Zombies. The idea of them amuses me, but becoming one is what freaks me out. *shudders* I hate how they are so... mindless x.x

Werewolves (RATIONAL): I once had a dream involving my bathroom at twice its normal size and, for some odd reason, the cartoon Jackie Chan looking for talismans *shrugs* I unlock the door, and in one second, a werewolf bursts in and devours me whole. Yet I am a voreaphile... Odd O.o

Another odd thing is how I think it would be cool to be a werewolf despite being scared of them

I was once a bit afraid of closed doors that weren't locked due to that same dream... x.x

Anyways, here is the list so far:

Dark (Rational. People are sight oriented, after all)
Mannequins (Creepy fuckers...)
Werewolves (Rational)
probrally my biggest ever fear
is of spiders (i even have dreams of them :dead: )

but i also have little fears .
when i go in the shower, the bathroom door is open and i
feel like someone's there.

but at the end of the day i am 12 years old and maybe i'll grow up
and get rid of these fears. :grin:
I'm scared of spiders. (even ones that are really really tiny.) It started when i saw a huge spider crawling on the kitchen wall. it was really big, and i have been scared of them ever sense.

Ticks. And mosquitos. And leeches. And any other kind of bug or thing that sucks up your blood. It's just nasty how they would do that. And, ticks are really gross when they're all full with blood. I've seen many in my short life. Blame my dog.

Mannequins. I went to this museum thing, and everywhere you turned, there was a mannequin. They are so creepy.

I used to be scared of being alone in the dark, but now, i'm perfectly fine with that. I also can't go into huanted houses, not even if they're the worst ones ever. I can't take it.

This is not really a fear, but blood and gore is just something that will make me shudder. I can't stand it.
Spiders, ugh...
uhm, I don´t like clowns and wardrobes either...
Especially Clowns IN Wardrobes...
Injections--seeing people get them makes me feel ill, and the concept of having one myself terrifies me. :\
Talking to people on phones. I don't even know why.... And that includes strangers and people I know alike. I hate phone calls.

I'm afraid of bees, too. Mainly because it, supposively, hurt like who-knows-what when you get stung, and they're all yellow and fly super fast. I never got stung before.

I can stand blood and gore, but I get nightmares a few days after I see a lot of it. Weird.
I'm afraid of phone calls too.
I'm not as bad as I used to be. Before I couldn't answer them at all. Now I'm ok. I still don't ring people myself. Can't remember the last time I used my mobile.
Ghosts. Deathly afraid of ghosts. Everytime I see a picture of them I'm close to breaking down in fear. I think that fear became most prominent when I had to research Amityville Horror for a project...

Oh, and having a member of my family die, especially my dad for some reason.

Don't forget rejection.
Cockroaches. They seriously scare the shit out of me. Spiders I have never been scared of, I kinda like them. But as soon as I see a roach, I panic.
I'm afraid of my parents dieing and leaving no one to support my sister and me.

I used to be afraid of thunderstorms, but now I'm only just annoyed by them.

I'm also afraid of having my glasses fall off an edge because (depending on where I'm at and how high up I am) it would be either really annoying or really difficult to get them back. Plus, they might break. And they could fall--my sunglasses have already fallen off once before. Thankfully, I wasn't standing near an edge, and I caught them right away.
Cockroaches. They seriously scare the shit out of me. Spiders I have never been scared of, I kinda like them. But as soon as I see a roach, I panic.
Not scared of them, but cockroaches are fucking gross and I've had this sense of disgust about them ever since the appartment block I used to live in got a small cockroach infection.
Fucking things. Especially when you crush their head and the bodies still wander around ugh ugh ugh
arachnophobes, and i mean real ones. spiders are literally everywhere and just going about their lives, they don't even try to be seen. but these people who start spazzing out and screaming mindlessly if they even think they see a spider. many don't listen to reason and fewer want their fears alleviated through anything except slaughter and genocide. animals like tarantulas and scorpions are kept by thousands of people worldwide, people who care about them, and anyone who wants to brutally murder and mutilate another's pet is a monster. some people are just born afraid, but they allow their fear to make them intolerant and hateful.

no, i take that back, actually. i'm afraid of people in general.
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arachnophobes, and i mean real ones. spiders are literally everywhere and just going about their lives, they don't even try to be seen. but these people who start spazzing out and screaming mindlessly if they even think they see a spider. many don't listen to reason and fewer want their fears alleviated through anything except slaughter and genocide. animals like tarantulas and scorpions are kept by thousands of people worldwide, people who care about them, and anyone who wants to brutally murder and mutilate another's pet is a monster. some people are just born afraid, but they allow their fear to make them intolerant and hateful.
Oh my God, YES. I mean, I'm sort of afraid of spiders, but arachnophobes FREAK OUT. I know, my mom's one. She starts hyperventililating and grabs me in this panicky grip that I can't escape and it freaks the hell out of me. If anyone even SAYS the words "spider" or "tarantula", she'll scream in this terrible high pitched panicky scream that's just as freaky as that horrible grab.

If she sees them on TV, even worse. I told her one time that one of my friends used to have a pet tarantula and she screamed in that panicky scream, then started to "wipe away the invisible spiders all over her body." That's really the only way I can explain it. She made a wiping motion and shivered as if there were spiders all over her body. Now I'm afraid of arachnophobes.
I'm not afraid of heights, I LOVE heights but I hate feeling loose at a great height.

Its not a fear but I HATE nettles, ski lifts and nats.
Really Big Spiders, Like Adult Huntsman and stuff, and heights. Coz when i was little i was on this little rocking horse thing and a spider was on my leg.

I'm ok with heights if I'm moving, like on a ferris wheel, but if i'm just standing i start getting scared. Probably coz i might fall and hurt myself like i did when i was 3. I cracked my skull after i fell backwards off a tall wall. Which i was sitting on.

And getting robbed in the middle of the night while im awake then getting attacked when i go to check it out. I... just dont know why. I'm very panic-y when it comes to thoughts about dying.

And seeing the grim reaper. Apparently it doesnt only come when ur about to die.
pain, unexpected pain. seriously anytime something comes within a few centimetres of my body i jerk away and freeze up

and call me cowardly but i'm scared of the dark, yep, the dark. it didn't use to bother me but then when I was around 14/15 i kept having nightmares 24/7. now after the years its a sort of small fear, but a fear none the less
ANY STINGING INSECT THAT CAN FLY! This started when I was two, I got stung by TWENTY bees. I think I'm justified in my fear!
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