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-Straight razors. Can't stand 'em. And for that matter, any surface that causes thin cuts...*shudder*
-Anything that's too constricting on me, especially around areas with lots of veins.
-Loud noises, especially if I know they're coming.
-Slight fear of the dark. Yeah, yeah, I know...
-Slight fear of spiders. Though I usually don't kill them unless I know they're venomous.
-Death. I'll admit it, the thought of me dying or someone I love dying terrifies the fuck out of me.
I hate to admit it, but I'm awfully afraid of my bathroom >.> You can't see the whole thing at once unless you stand in a corner, and when I get into the shower I'm not in a corner, so I always think that there's some zombie or shrunken head or something creeping up on me. Which is why I used to sing in the shower :D

Pretty much any beheaded figure scares the shit out of me. Heads and their bodies are supposed to be physically connected D:

Rotting food. It smells really bad. Getting it wet to wash it off a plate makes it smell worse. I just about had a heart attack in the kitchen when we had chicken for dinner once and the skin fell off real easily.

And now I'm slightly afraid of the grease pan that goes underneath our miniature indoor grill because once I thought the grease was butterbraid icing and scooped up a whole finger full of it and ate it. I never tried that again :P
Spiders and almost every other insect with legs, or stings.
Heights D:
Basketballs/other sport balls (DO NOT SAY ANYTHING DIRTY ABOUT THIS!!!)
Sharp things near my eyes that I am not holding, or anything near my eyes that I have no control of.
Going blind.
Losing limbs.
That's just about it I think.

I love snakes :3 Unlike A LOT of people I have known.
Deep water. It's just so freaking deep and it makes me thing I'm going to drown or something similiar. Same thing with heights. Too high for my liking. Then there's religous things like having to live through Revaltion. I trust that's self explanitory.
Ask Darksong what the Invisible Circus Act Treatment is. I'm too scared to type its real name.
Hidden Lotus. Rock Lee's from Naruto, you know?

I have slight acrophobia if I'm looking out from a building and I'm up high. I also hate bees, wasps or anything of the like.
I'm afraid of heights, mostly because I get virtigo very easily. I also hate thinking about high places (however, I'm totally fine on a plane). Hence why I hate two-story malls, especially ones where the GameStop is on the second floor. >.<

Also balloons. They scare the shit out of me. I hate the sound of when they pop and such.

And speaking of that, loud sounds in general. This is why I don't like to go to movie theatres and such.

And my most irrational fear: Answering or calling someone on the telephone. I'm totally cool face-to-face, fearless online, but for some reason, if it involves the phone, I freeze in fear. Despite the fact that I have Caller ID and such. Unless it's my absolute best friend, I will not answer the phone. >>

And not a fear itself, but related: I flinch around flying insects and raised hands. o.O
Also balloons. They scare the shit out of me. I hate the sound of when they pop and such.

Holy crap, I never thought I'd hear of someone else with this fear!

Oh, I can't believe I forgot two of my biggest fears: creepy messages being played on TVs (like Emergency Broadcasts and such). If someone were to ever hijack a station and play mindfuck over it, my head would probably explode.

Also, computer viruses. I'm always afraid it'll play some kind of random insulting song and then proceed to eat my computer. I think it comes from stumbling across that "You are an idiot! Hahaha!" page I stumbled upon as a child.
-Christian fundamentalists
-Flying insects (or jumping insects for that matter)
-Innocent, little girls that turn out to be horrible, demonic monstrosities that only want everything to die. Christ.

I guess that's it for now. I'll amend this later~
And my most irrational fear: Answering or calling someone on the telephone. I'm totally cool face-to-face, fearless online, but for some reason, if it involves the phone, I freeze in fear. Despite the fact that I have Caller ID and such. Unless it's my absolute best friend, I will not answer the phone. >>

I thought no one else would have this :)

Uh...I'm sort of scared of spiders, bees and wasps.I used to be REALLY scared but it's wearing off.

I used to be scared of elevators when going down XD
Sort of the dark, but hardly.

Not really deep water but fast flowing, tossing storm like deep water *shiver*

I hate the rain if it touches my face, otherwise I'm fine with it.

Having my internet access taken off me. Horrible, I can't imagine life without internet yet I've only had it for a year or two.
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Some other things!

Sharp blades (I'm a giant klutz. I'm always worried that I'll cut myself or something. Arg.)
Sleep Paralysis
Centipedes (Seriously centipedes)
Large dogs
Really steep, narrow steps that go up an extremely high way.
I have a phobia of axe-wielding psychopaths.

In seriousness I'm not sure there's anything in particular that "scares" me as such... just a lot of things I'm uncomfortable with or adverse to. There are a few things which might very nearly be fears, but I'd rather not go into those :3
I'm scared of approximately 500 different things. Infinity and zero are probably at the top, but I am also scared of death, the dark (and so, the unknown), pain, speaking in public, fear, having no purpose, things spiraling out of my control, heights, failure, uh... other things. Basically, I am afraid of so many things that it's like they all cancel out and it's like I'm not afraid of anything. 8D
As far as I'm concerned, they're all about the same

Uh, no.

Christian fundamentalists can be annoying as hell, disrespectful, commit hate crimes, deny people of basic rights and generally be not nice human beings.

Islamic fundamentalists can cause massive loss of life in terrorist attacks that bring the strongest nation on earth to its knees.

I find being told to repent or burn in hell as offensive as the next person, but putting it on the same level as religiously-motivated terrorist bomblings is just silly.
Bees/wasps, but only because I'm allergic. And centipedes... I actually like watching most bugs and don't mind having them around unless they're in my food or something, but centipedes (especially the pale, whitish-gray fast-moving kind that shows up in houses) are just creepy for some reason.

Also, being in or around large groups of people I don't know.

Surprisingly I'm not really all that afraid of death... the thought of actually being conscious and feeling pain during the whole dying process is scary, but not death itself or whatever comes afterward.
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