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Search results

  1. Elfin


  2. Elfin

    Sounds delightful. I suggest tie-dye duct tape.

    Sounds delightful. I suggest tie-dye duct tape.
  3. Elfin

    I'd be a hypocrite if I cared about weirdness. But throwing shuriken at a school bully sounds...

    I'd be a hypocrite if I cared about weirdness. But throwing shuriken at a school bully sounds like a profoundly flawed idea. Not that you said you'd do that, but...
  4. Elfin

    Um... okay. o.o And that's coming from me. Eh, well, good luck. Hope you don't get beaten up by...

    Um... okay. o.o And that's coming from me. Eh, well, good luck. Hope you don't get beaten up by the trees.
  5. Elfin

    Somehow, I would be inclined to doubt the existence of medieval assassins much of anywhere...

    Somehow, I would be inclined to doubt the existence of medieval assassins much of anywhere, but... And by take out, we're talking about...? o.0 Yeah, that could possibly mess up the scary ninja factor.. tripping a lot, getting hit in the face with tree branches.. xD
  6. Elfin

    I know! And they don't sell them anywhere, except Comicons and stuff. Sometimes. They cost a...

    I know! And they don't sell them anywhere, except Comicons and stuff. Sometimes. They cost a lot... That may possibly be for the better. Well, good luck, hope you don't stab yourself. How do you plan on doing ninja training? Do you know any reeeaaalll ninjjaaaas?
  7. Elfin

    A cape? xD Well, killing a bunch of attacking wolves with throwing knives on one's wedding day...

    A cape? xD Well, killing a bunch of attacking wolves with throwing knives on one's wedding day is pretty awesome, so there you go. That's gonna inevitably end up as an amusing newspaper title. Sure hope you know how to do that without stabbing yourself in the arms!
  8. Elfin

    Aaaand that's why I plan on concealing throwing knives in my wedding dress when I get married...

    Aaaand that's why I plan on concealing throwing knives in my wedding dress when I get married. Can't be too safe!
  9. Elfin

    Whoa.. o.0 One would hope that someone would try to stop them in the aisle scenario, but it's...

    Whoa.. o.0 One would hope that someone would try to stop them in the aisle scenario, but it's still a lot more entertaining. >D
  10. Elfin

    ...What. xDD Where does this happen? And how? Oh wait, you mean after the ceremony, right...

    ...What. xDD Where does this happen? And how? Oh wait, you mean after the ceremony, right? Because I was imagining a bunch of wolves running down the aisle and eating them right there. Which would be pretty hilarious.
  11. Elfin

    Very true. Well, yeah, but most books have a somewhat happy ending... or beginning... or...

    Very true. Well, yeah, but most books have a somewhat happy ending... or beginning... or middle... somewhere... x3
  12. Elfin

    I have to admit, however, the last book is somewhat entertaining to read, if only to laugh/cry...

    I have to admit, however, the last book is somewhat entertaining to read, if only to laugh/cry over her... odd understanding of the reproductive system. Oh wow, and I thought it was the worst around here! I already figured that. No worries. xD A not-quite-warning: Tenderness is pretty...
  13. Elfin

    I don't know much about Mormon stuff, but the books really bug me. They're supposed supposed to...

    I don't know much about Mormon stuff, but the books really bug me. They're supposed supposed to be romantic. The books about a 90-year old man stalking a teen girl, watching her as she sleeps, almost letting her basically kill herself, and makes her leave everyone she loves. Oh, and Meyer...
  14. Elfin

    The libraries around here (including the school library) mostly just have little-kid books...

    The libraries around here (including the school library) mostly just have little-kid books, Twilight and other sucky vampire romance books, and really stupid things for research in a few classes. Tons of new releases, but most of them suck. Aside from the odd awesome book, as in: short...
  15. Elfin

    Sounds way better than any of the libraries around here. -_-

    Sounds way better than any of the libraries around here. -_-
  16. Elfin

    ...Though, I'm not so sure that there'll be very many actual books about him around. He really...

    ...Though, I'm not so sure that there'll be very many actual books about him around. He really isn't all that well-known. There's lots of stuff online, though.
  17. Elfin

    Very true. Dang. Names to run away from really fast: The White Death. And this took place in...

    Very true. Dang. Names to run away from really fast: The White Death. And this took place in less than one hundred days. And he survived getting shot in the face. Wow. You should!
  18. Elfin

    Still, you'd think they'd eventually notice that several people in groups are getting hit at the...

    Still, you'd think they'd eventually notice that several people in groups are getting hit at the same time, several times a game. And usually at the same spot. I KNEW IT! Are you, by any chance, the reincarnation of Simo Häyhä? x3
  19. Elfin

    Sb-email 171, "Underlings." ;D In my case, I can (and do, when not being a jerk to my friends)...

    Sb-email 171, "Underlings." ;D In my case, I can (and do, when not being a jerk to my friends) walk around practically on the line dividing the sides, ranting about teeny little gym shorts at the top of my lungs, and nobody notices me. Ever. Makes sneak attacks quite easy.
  20. Elfin

    Not me, I'm a skinny little twig. But that's never stopped me before! >D Plus, we could always...

    Not me, I'm a skinny little twig. But that's never stopped me before! >D Plus, we could always throw the smaller people at you. I already pick them up to use as shields during dodgeball games. It's surprisingly effective!
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