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Search results

  1. Elfin

    They would! Though things would probably go downhill quickly, then end up with a big epic fight...

    They would! Though things would probably go downhill quickly, then end up with a big epic fight. I'm thinking you'd win, only because most of my friends are either tiny or actually have self-control. How boring.
  2. Elfin

    Ouch. Molten candy. That... takes real skill and determination. I'm proud of you, son. Really...

    Ouch. Molten candy. That... takes real skill and determination. I'm proud of you, son. Really proud. Well, if it makes you feel any better, I have a huge scar on my leg from where my best friend kicked me in the shin. While wearing combat boots. On purpose. We're that sort of friends.
  3. Elfin

    Okay! Waitwaitwait.. how did you manage to burn your foot? Did you momentarily forget where the...

    Okay! Waitwaitwait.. how did you manage to burn your foot? Did you momentarily forget where the big ol' campfire was?! Oh you silly rodent.
  4. Elfin

    It symbolizes how much fun it is to set things on fire and watch it burn. Mmm.. I wonder what a...

    It symbolizes how much fun it is to set things on fire and watch it burn. Mmm.. I wonder what a Snickers bar would taste like roasted over a fire... Melty...
  5. Elfin

    Everyone loves a little violence! What does the wooden crate have to do with- oh well! New...

    Everyone loves a little violence! What does the wooden crate have to do with- oh well! New plan. We set it on fire. Or stuff somebody (with an oxygen tank, perhaps) inside, then set it on fire and throw it over Niagara Falls. Yes, I'm a pyromaniac, why do you ask?
  6. Elfin

    A monument to what? And by "throw a big party", you mean eating Snickers bars until they start...

    A monument to what? And by "throw a big party", you mean eating Snickers bars until they start tasting weird, and then throwing them at innocent bystanders, riiight? :D
  7. Elfin

    Eh, that's not that bad. ... I've done much worse before. ^^;; Daa'w... warm and fuzzy...

    Eh, that's not that bad. ... I've done much worse before. ^^;; Daa'w... warm and fuzzy feeelingggg~ Wait, then I shouldn't have bought that big ol' wooden crate and a thousand Snickers bars?
  8. Elfin

    If you're what's considered stupid in Erindiana or wherever, I'm going to mail myself there in a...

    If you're what's considered stupid in Erindiana or wherever, I'm going to mail myself there in a cardboard box. You're one of the maybe four or five guys I know who consistently isn't stupid. And two of them are animals. Yeah, well, that's pretty much always been my approach: Try and talk it...
  9. Elfin

    For the past several days, that same guy and his stupid friends have been yelling to anyone and...

    For the past several days, that same guy and his stupid friends have been yelling to anyone and everyone that I have sex with cats. Among other things. And that I'm a certain female canine. I'm mostly just depressed that people are that stupid. >> Can't say that I have seen that. Hmm.... I think...
  10. Elfin

    Speaking of cats... Yesterday, I saw this cat on my street when I was walking home from school...

    Speaking of cats... Yesterday, I saw this cat on my street when I was walking home from school, that always seems to end up near my house, usually on the porch. She saw me and started to walk over. When I stopped to pet her, this other guy threw a rock and hit her on the head. Really hard. Poor...
  11. Elfin

    OH REALLY! EAT THIS KITTEN! ... Oops, wrong test of character.

    OH REALLY! EAT THIS KITTEN! ... Oops, wrong test of character.
  12. Elfin

    It was in a cabin full of little kids running around and screaming all night (and I usually stay...

    It was in a cabin full of little kids running around and screaming all night (and I usually stay up super-late as it is), plus one of my friends that would poke me in the back until I was awake, ask if I was mad and ignoring her, then stand there until I yelled at her to turn off the lights and...
  13. Elfin

    Wooowwww.... Yeah... it was mostly fun, but I was kind of in a daze the entire time. My friends...

    Wooowwww.... Yeah... it was mostly fun, but I was kind of in a daze the entire time. My friends wouldn't let me sleep. Not making this up.
  14. Elfin

    Disagreement where now? (90% asleep, yay camping)

    Disagreement where now? (90% asleep, yay camping)
  15. Elfin

    According to Mom. >> << >> Yep. I'm secretly the immortal deity of laptop computers, but don't...

    According to Mom. >> << >> Yep. I'm secretly the immortal deity of laptop computers, but don't tell her that. It would ruin it for her.
  16. Elfin

    Well, my computer broke. Using my mom's. And stuff... I don't know... I'm really not all that...

    Well, my computer broke. Using my mom's. And stuff... I don't know... I'm really not all that interested in the RSP anymore. I mean, I'm not quitting, but there's too much stuff going on, chosen one, special whatevers, quasi-politics... or I'm just paranoid/crazy. *headdesk* You, on the other...
  17. Elfin

    Aww.. DOn't worry, he'll make a grand reappearance. Maybe. .... ... .... HE WAS QUITE LITERALLY...

    Aww.. DOn't worry, he'll make a grand reappearance. Maybe. .... ... .... HE WAS QUITE LITERALLY PUT ON A BUS. I HAVE JUST INVOKED A TROPE. 0.0
  18. Elfin

    Open Land of Twilight II

    Miyu darted inside the house. Since she was so small, getting past Iortheayr wasn't particularly hard. He was back! And normal sized, obviously. So he hadn't gotten himself killed after all. "Hello! You're alive! I'm surprised. Mm.. it smells nice in here," she purred happily. The house reminded...
  19. Elfin

    It's okay, my old email address was much worse. x3

    It's okay, my old email address was much worse. x3
  20. Elfin

    x33 You're welcome. hatsunei@aol.com I was obsessed with Vocaloids when I made that email...

    x33 You're welcome. hatsunei@aol.com I was obsessed with Vocaloids when I made that email address, okay? And then ended up having to add a random letter. Don't laugh. >>
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