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Search results

  1. Elfin

    Not really. Sorry.

    Not really. Sorry.
  2. Elfin

    Happy birthday!

    Happy birthday!
  3. Elfin

    Hm.. so what's the one you made?

    Hm.. so what's the one you made?
  4. Elfin

    I just can't decide how I want it to be, and stuff. Being the indecisive person I am. ^^;;

    I just can't decide how I want it to be, and stuff. Being the indecisive person I am. ^^;;
  5. Elfin

    Are you disordered?

    Paranoid: Moderate Schizoid: Moderate Schizotypal: High Antisocial: High Borderline: Moderate Histrionic: High Narcissistic: High Avoidant: High Dependent: High Obsessive-Compulsive: High Mommy, I did it wrong. Antisocial? Really? xD
  6. Elfin

    Ohhh, okay. I made one, but I'm still kind of freaking out "Aaargh this is stupid why did I make...

    Ohhh, okay. I made one, but I'm still kind of freaking out "Aaargh this is stupid why did I make this aaaargh.." Yeah, that's stupid. I know. xDD
  7. Elfin

    Whoa! That means you're older than the hills. YOU, GOOD SIR, ARE OLD. SO VERY OLD. x3 Not much...

    Whoa! That means you're older than the hills. YOU, GOOD SIR, ARE OLD. SO VERY OLD. x3 Not much. Have you created a signature move for the RPG yet?
  8. Elfin

    The "Fwee" Thread

    I got two new pet rats today! They're so cute!! x33
  9. Elfin

    Open Against All Odds

    Well, time for the stupid question. It was inevitable. x3 Are trainers allowed to have legendary Pokemon of any kind?
  10. Elfin

    Annual Pokemon Examination 2009 - The Results!

    Two C's, B overall.. wow. 30th place. Crap, I was so sure I'd done reeeally well. xD
  11. Elfin

    Great! ..But I probably shouldn't make them until I can actually post. But I will! :D

    Great! ..But I probably shouldn't make them until I can actually post. But I will! :D
  12. Elfin

    I'm back for today, but will be gone again for.. I'm not sure. A week..ish. xP I'd like to...

    I'm back for today, but will be gone again for.. I'm not sure. A week..ish. xP I'd like to post/join again with new characters, if its possible. Can I?
  13. Elfin

    I looked at it. Awesome! >D I really need to scan a picture of Shai. If I can draw one that's...

    I looked at it. Awesome! >D I really need to scan a picture of Shai. If I can draw one that's any good, anyway. >>
  14. Elfin

    Sum other users up as Pokemon.

    I take that as a compliment! xD
  15. Elfin

    Sum other users up as Pokemon.

    I kinda see Notory as a Nidoran. Not sure why. xD What does everything think I am? >> Besides a Marril or an Eevee-*shot*
  16. Elfin

    [Comic]Super Smash Bros LOL

    You.. misspelled "Newcomer"..
  17. Elfin

    Open As Darkness Falls

    ((I really need to post more. xD)) Rachel had finally given up. There was too much noise here! Ridiculous! This was Solaceon Ruins, after all. She turned and started to leave, but somehow ended up in a room with several Pokemon.. or people? They looked humanoid. Pokemorphs? A couple looked...
  18. Elfin

    Happy birthday!! =D

    Happy birthday!! =D
  19. Elfin

    Happy birthday!! =D

    Happy birthday!! =D
  20. Elfin


    Re: ToastH I'm pretty sure that's for frozen bagels or something. But anyway.. I like really burnt toast. D:
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