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Search results

  1. Scyther

    Holy fuck.

    Took the post right out of my keyboard. Well obviously I know why, I just find it odd why that always seems to happen. Remember the last goat/man? But yeah, you have a point.
  2. Scyther

    Holy fuck.

    I dunno. It was really creepy. ...But isn't it rather 'convienient' that the burned it before anyone got the chance to study it. And then I repeat you: Holy Fuck!
  3. Scyther

    Huh? Do you mean on Facebook?

    Huh? Do you mean on Facebook?
  4. Scyther

    Parents And The Computer?

    Eh~~ Well, my parents specificlly forbid me from getting on TCoD, but I've always found a way to get back on. My iPod, for instance. My mom doesn't mind it so much, but she checks what I'm doing every once and while. In fact, once she caught me in an argument with RandomTyphoon, and she gave me...
  5. Scyther

    Parents And The Computer?

    Eh~~ Well, my parents specificlly forbid me from getting on TCoD, but I've always found a way to get back on. My iPod, for instance. My mom doesn't mind it so much, but she checks what I'm doing every once and while. In fact, once she caught me in an argument with RandomTyphoon, and she gave me...
  6. Scyther

    Hi~~ Watching a Pokemon movie with Gabe.

    Hi~~ Watching a Pokemon movie with Gabe.
  7. Scyther

    How to Make a Man Ou of a Boy (Repost from the pre-forum crash days)

    According to my dad, making a man outta a boy means taking them out on canoe trips into the scary forest.
  8. Scyther

    Awww, you changed your name :( I've looked up to your name since I joined...

    Awww, you changed your name :( I've looked up to your name since I joined...
  9. Scyther

    The Bank

    Two dollars from Flareth, Blazaking, and Blastroise. http://www.dragonflycave.com/forums/showthread.php?p=359262#post359262
  10. Scyther


    Yeah, sorry. You get the Drowzee.
  11. Scyther


    Grass King caterpie Female Blahzy Antidote Flareth Elixer Blahzy Drowzee Female Blastroise poochyena Male
  12. Scyther

    The Bank

    Taking another two dollars from Blahzy, Mike, and Grass King. http://www.dragonflycave.com/forums/showthread.php?t=8807
  13. Scyther

    Grand Opening (ends: January 17 2010)

    Gimme something.
  14. Scyther

    The Bank

    Taking two dollars from you, Blazhy, and Mike. http://www.dragonflycave.com/forums/showthread.php?t=8807
  15. Scyther


    Mike Glameow Female
  16. Scyther


    Shiningglass Annoyingly enoughy, you got the rare item. Because seven is the lucky number~~ Treasure Sack, an unobtainable item in Diamond and pearl. Unfortunaly, my browser prevents me from putting this up, but you can find it on serebii. Blahzy Zubat Female.
  17. Scyther


    Shiningglass Annoyingly enoughy, you got the rare item. Because seven is the lucky number~~ Treasure Sack, an unobtainable item in Diamond and pearl. Unfortunaly, my browser prevents me from putting this up, but you can find it on serebii. Blahzy Zubat Female.
  18. Scyther

    Ameroq01 vs. Scyther

    Sorry. I didn't look closely enough.
  19. Scyther

    Make an account in the new Safari Zone! It's kinda cool.

    Make an account in the new Safari Zone! It's kinda cool.
  20. Scyther


    How does it work? Simple. For the small fee of two poke, you can try your luck, by guessing a number beween one and one hundred. There are two, very rare prizes, an item and a Pokemon, and numerous other items of varying quality. Sowhat are you waiting for? Pick a number...
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